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chronologic Meaning in Tamil ( chronologic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கால கணிப்ப முறை,

chronologic's Usage Examples:

The most satisfactory method of characterizing English place-nomenclature is to deal with it historically and chronologically, showing the influence of the successive nations who have borne sway in this island.

The statistical contrasts are especially sharp and characteristic when we take into account the chronological sequence in the elaboration of laws.

Even when seen in minute features only he recognized them as constant progressive characters or " chronologic varieties " in 3b --i C D E F G H I -14-21 -I-31 1 - I - 41 contrast with contemporaneous or " geographic varieties," which he considered inconstant and of slight systematic value.

He set up the computer program to sort through the data in chronological order.

he collected, restored and arranged every chronological relic extant in Greek or Latin.

All his novels treat of phases of American development, historical or social, and form a sort of chronological sequence.

, and who drew up a chronological list of the priestesses of Here at Argos; of Ephorus, who lived in the 4th century B.

2) is held by some to point to the Essenes; if this be so, it is not chronologically precise, since we have not the means of determining the beginning of the movement of thought that issued in Essenism.

For freshly engaged couples, if one member of the couple is from a large family, ask the fiance to name all of his partner's siblings, in chronological order.

), represent advanced conditions of life and culture, the precise chronological limits of which cannot be determined with certainty.

Our knowledge of vegetation older than the Carboniferous is still far too scanty for any satisfactory history of the Palaeozoic Floras to be even attempted; a few, however, of the facts may be advantageously recapitulated in chronological order.

But the story of Agariste's wooing resembles romance and has slight chronological value.

Or to put it more exactly, the "Apostolic Fathers" represent, chronologically in the main and still more from the religious and theological standpoint, the momentous process of 1 Cotelier included the Acts of Martyrdom of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp; and those of Ignatius and Polycarp are still often printed by editors.

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