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chroniclers Meaning in Tamil ( chroniclers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chroniclers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கருநாடகத்தினைப் பூர்விகமாகக் கொண்ட இவர் , கல்ச்சுரல் ஒடிசி, ராஜ்பவன் பெங்களூர்-துரூ தி ஏஜசு, மார்வலசு ஆஃப் கர்நாடகா அண்ட் மோர் மற்றும் சில புத்தகங்கள் மூலம் கர்நாடக மாநில கலாச்சார வரலாற்றின் ஒரு காலவரிசையாளராகவும் உள்ளார்.

chroniclers's Usage Examples:

The Arabic chroniclers record the names of many other writers on alchemy, among the most famous being Rhazes and Avicenna.

But he was a drunkard and a debauchee, and chroniclers are divided in opinion as to whether he died from the effects of drink or licentious living.

- Pietro Verri, Storia di Milano; Corio, Storia di Milano; Cantu, Illustrazione grande del Lombardo Veneto; the Milanese chroniclers in Muratori's Rer.

Prayers and other formulas have been copied down by Sahagun and other chroniclers, of endless prolixity, but not without occasional touches of pathos.

The chroniclers of the conquest of Apulia and Sicily use the Norman name in every page as the name of the followers of the conquerors from Hauteville.

Dr Creighton points out that the number given by certain chroniclers of the deaths from the early pestilences in London are incredible; such for instance as the statement that forty or fifty thousand bodies were buried in Charterhouse churchyard at the time of the Black Death in 1348-1349.

Among the native poets, mostly mere rhyming chroniclers of the 1 6th century, were Csanadi, Tinodi, Nagy-Baczai, Bogâti, Ilosvay, Istvanfi, GOrgei, Temesvari and Valkai.

The later story, with its episode of Peeping Tom, has been evolved by later chroniclers.

The data relating to his whole history are scanty and obscure, and his memory has suffered materially from the fact that the chief chroniclers of his deeds and misdeeds were ecclesiastics.

Becoming associated with Paul Lacroix ("le Bibliophile Jacob"), he planned with him a history of France, to consist of excerpts from the chief chroniclers and historians, with original matter filling up gaps in the continuity.

In the i4th century there is a significant deterioration in the monastic chroniclers, and their place is taken by the works of secular clergy like Adam Murimuth, Geoffrey the Baker, Robert of Avesbury, Henry Knighton and the anonymous author of the Eulogium historictrum.

The chroniclers ascribe the first war with Florence, which broke out in 1222, to a most ridiculous motive.

In this duke we may certainly recognize Borel, who, according to the Spanish chroniclers, was count of Barcelona from 967 to 993, while the bishop may probably be identified with Hatto, bishop of Vich or Ausona from about 060 to 971 or 972.


historiographer, historian,



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