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chronicler Meaning in Tamil ( chronicler வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chronicler தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கருநாடகத்தினைப் பூர்விகமாகக் கொண்ட இவர் , கல்ச்சுரல் ஒடிசி, ராஜ்பவன் பெங்களூர்-துரூ தி ஏஜசு, மார்வலசு ஆஃப் கர்நாடகா அண்ட் மோர் மற்றும் சில புத்தகங்கள் மூலம் கர்நாடக மாநில கலாச்சார வரலாற்றின் ஒரு காலவரிசையாளராகவும் உள்ளார்.

chronicler's Usage Examples:

His fame has been somewhat obscured by that of his great minister Absalon, whom their common chronicler Saxo constantly magnifies at the expense of his master.

The Arabic chroniclers record the names of many other writers on alchemy, among the most famous being Rhazes and Avicenna.

Now he evaded them, now he and his valiant brother Edward surprised and cut them up in detail, doing miracula, says a contemporary English chronicler.

The same linguistic criteria recur, and the interest in lists and genealogies, in priests and Levites, and in the temple service point unmistakably to the presence of the same hand (the so-called "chronicler") in ChroniclesEzra-Nehemiah.

Though not a great chronicler or an artist like Lopes, Ruy de Pina is free from the rhetorical defects of Azurara, and his chronicles of King Edward and King Alphonso V.

But he was a drunkard and a debauchee, and chroniclers are divided in opinion as to whether he died from the effects of drink or licentious living.

- Pietro Verri, Storia di Milano; Corio, Storia di Milano; Cantu, Illustrazione grande del Lombardo Veneto; the Milanese chroniclers in Muratori's Rer.

Giovanni Villani, the first chronicler who used Italian for the compilation of a methodical history, tells us how he was impelled to write by musing on the ruins of Rome and thinking of the vanished greatness of the Latin race.

Prayers and other formulas have been copied down by Sahagun and other chroniclers, of endless prolixity, but not without occasional touches of pathos.

, has been called by Southey the best chronicler of any age or nation.

Among the more notable names are those of Nestor the chronicler, and Iliya of Murom, the Old Cossack of the Russian epics.

"This chronicler also reports that another committee of thirty-eight members was appointed to assist and control the twenty-five.

His character is thus described by a chronicler: "He was ane man that loved solitude, and desired nevir to hear of warre, bot delighted more in musick and policie and building nor he did in the government of the realme.


historiographer, historian,



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