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raisable Meaning in marathi ( raisable शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


वाढवण्यास सक्षम,

raisable's Usage Examples:

students" behaviour became so bad that Kiek eventually had a fence and raisable bridge installed to keep them out.

would enter the stage through the prop"s mouth or under either of its raisable legs.

5 m but it varies due to a specially-constructed raisable floor.

free actions of which we are the cause, and for which we are morally appraisable.

Mechanical enemies and obstacles, such as gun turrets and raisable platforms, are hackable via computer terminals on nearby nodes.

– Locomotives with Vorspannachse (Locomotives with a driven axle and a raisable "dolly axle" (Hilfsachse) to assist starting) BB – Mallet locomotives,.

Her largest water cannon is on a raisable mast, and is operated by remote control.

There is an unusual lead font with a raisable conical wooden cover.

result he started bringing in exercises from Shinshin-tōitsu-dō, such as "unbendable arm" and "unraisable body" into his aikido teaching.

popular in some martial arts and may include the unraisable body, the unbendable arm, and other feats of power.

of such a system had been noted earlier, and experimental designs with raisable platforms or eccentric wheels, with built-in counterweights, were built.

the newly built house, the marine telegraph consisted of a pole with two raisable arms that could form various configurations, each corresponding to a specific.

Demonstrations of qi or ki are popular in some martial arts and may include the unraisable body, the unbendable arm, and other feats of power.


raiseable, mobile,


immobile, nonmoving, settled,

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