raises Meaning in marathi ( raises शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
वाढवते, उंच करा, ताठ, मोठा आवाज करा, निर्मिती करणे, कापूस, जाती, विकसित करणे, तयार करण्यासाठी, सुधारण्यासाठी, तीव्र करा, तयारी करणे, मोठे करा, उचला, हाका मार, गोळा करण्यासाठी, निरीक्षण करणे, चिथावणी देणे, कारखान्यात उत्पादित, पुढे सरका, यार्ड, उचलून घेणे, जाहिरात करणे, जागे व्हा, स्थापन करणे, उच्चार करणे, वाढवणे, सरळ करा,
वाढवा, जादा, सुधारणा,
उंच करा, ताठ, मोठा आवाज करा, निर्मिती करणे, कापूस, जाती, तयार करण्यासाठी, विकसित करणे, सुधारण्यासाठी, तीव्र करा, तयारी करणे, मोठे करा, वाढवणे, गोळा करण्यासाठी, निरीक्षण करणे, कारखान्यात उत्पादित, चिथावणी देणे, यार्ड, पुढे सरका, जाहिरात करणे, जागे व्हा, स्थापन करणे, उच्चार करणे, सरळ करा,
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raises मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:
१ कोटी रुपये मिळविण्यासाठी १०० छोट्या ग्राहकांशी डोकेफोड करण्यापेक्षा एकाच, प्रचंड इमेज असलेल्या क्लायंटची जाहिरात करणे हे कितीतरी सोपे.
वैवाहिक विधीचा मुख्य उद्देश नवीन संबंधाची जाहिरात करणे, त्याला सुखमय बनवणे तसेच नानाप्रकाराचे अनिष्टांपासून त्याचे रक्षण करणे आहे.
१) बँकेच्या सेवा तसेच विविध उत्पादनाची जाहिरात करणे.
raises's Usage Examples:
" Chisholm praises the mimes, saying "These.
raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object.
Escoffier also describes a Mont-Blanc aux fraises, essentially whipped cream studded with fraises des bois, with no chestnuts at all, the name referring.
than Cherniss let on and the successive accounts by doxographers that McDiarmid states "each doxographer raises individual problems in addition to those that.
Vetrliði Sumarliðason which praises Thor for having killed giants and giantesses: Leikn"s name was used by skalds in kennings.
hers – accompanied by the general chorus of all the other performers – hymning the praises of the Sun and Louis XV at the same time.
criticizes the faults of the Baroque literary style - its pomp, fogginess, macaronics and praises sober mind, clarity of thought, structured language.
An anonymous poet praises the ball skills of Piso: No less is your nimbleness, if it is your pleasure to return the flying ball, or recover it when.
The film raises the question "Can men and women ever just be friends?" and advances many ideas about relationships that became household concepts.
JudaismJudaism praises hospitality to strangers and guests based largely on the examples of Abraham and Lot in the Book of Genesis ( and ).
Marriott Hotels attending the presentation to council April 2010 - City reappraises the land at "11 million June 2010 - The city enters into an agreement.
expanding teacher training, and constructing school facilities (A) 729, authorizing charter schools (R) 732, establishing annual cost-of-living salary raises.
subperiosteal bone that is created when a lesion, often a tumour, raises the periosteum away from the bone.
bump up, increase,
untroubled, organized, decrease,