rainy season Meaning in marathi ( rainy season शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)
पावसाळा, पाणी साचणे, घन,
पाणी साचणे, घन,
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rainy season's Usage Examples:
After seven moultings, stadia come out to surface after the onset of the rainy season.
types of glowworms, so in the darkness of cloudy night during the rainy season, the croaking of the frogs and glitterings of the glowworms are supposed.
It is a burrowing creature, meaning it digs tunnels and generally lives underground, except during the rainy seasons.
588 hectares is planted with rice during rainy season.
The June to October rainy season accounts for all the less than 900"nbsp;mm of precipitation a year.
Green-rumped parrotlets breed during the rainy season (May-November), though each subspecies tends to breed during different months.
the rainy season, generally in March as the Upper Zambezi flood waters encroach on the compound, the Litunga moves to Limulunga on higher ground.
Climate Under the Köppen climate classification, Trinidad has a tropical monsoon climate with a lengthy rainy season and a short dry season.
rainy season in May, it delivers a flood which recharges the swamps and inundates a vast floodplain to the southeast, supporting the Bangweulu Wetlands.
The dry season is long, interspersed with heavy rainfall during the rainy season, which peaks during January and February.
During rainy season, the place is isolated by swollen rivers and muddy slippery roads.
ClimateKabankalan has Type 3 climate condition which means dry season is from December to May while the rainy season is from June to November.
bringing significant rainfall to the region, resulting in the East Asian rainy season as the monsoon boundary advances northward during the spring and summer.
monsoon, season, time of year,
dry season, off-season, high season, rainy season,