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raisers Meaning in marathi ( raisers शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

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raisers मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

भारतामधील पुस्तक प्रकाशक कंपन्या तो मी नव्हेच हे आचार्य अत्रे लिखित एक लोकप्रिय मराठी नाटक आहे.

एकोणिसाव्या व विसाव्या शतकांदरम्यान झपाट्याने वाढणार्‍या सेंट लुईसची लोकसंख्या १९५० साली सर्वाधिक होती.

लहान गावात अनेक लोकं शेकोटीभोवती जमल्याने, तेथे राजकारण, प्रकरण, एखादा ज्वलंत विषय यावरील गप्पा रंगतात.

तमिळनाडूमधील लोकसभा मतदारसंघ तंजावर हा तमिळनाडू राज्यातील लोकसभा मतदारसंघ आहे.

प्रत्येक लोकसभेच्या पहिल्या अधिवेशनादरम्यान नवनिर्वाचित लोकसभा सदस्यांपैकी एकाची सभापतीपदी निवड केली जाते.

साक्षर स्त्री लोकसंख्या: २६ (३२.

येथील लोक दही विकण्याचा व्यवसाय करतात.

आग्नेय कॉलोराडोमधील या काउंटीची लोकसंख्या २०१०च्या जनगणनेनुसार ६,४९९ होती.

तसेच लोकसंख्यमध्ये १२% हे सहा वर्षांपेक्षा कमी वयाचे आहेत.

भिल्ल ही भारतातील लोकसंख्येने मोठी असलेली एक अनुसूचित जमात.

पोलिश भाषकांची जगभरातील लोकसंख्या सुमारे ४ कोटी आहे.

सुरुवातील मराठी लोकांखालोखाल दाक्षिणात्यांची लोकसंख्या होती.

एक राजा म्हणून या परिस्थितीचा फायदा उचलत पीटरने लोकांवर दहशत पसरवत रशियाला आधुनिकतेकडे नेण्यास सुरूवात केली, जनतेला शिस्त लावली.

raisers's Usage Examples:

Later gains the ability to inspire love rather than lust in both male and female onlookers, and holds fund raisers in order to help the Specials' cause.

scantiness, is used by nomadic cattle raisers the year round – thanks to the snowless winter.

The money was raised from fundraisers, selling previous equipment and, in part, a grant from the Isle of Man Football Association.

He hosts the Kansas City chapter of the annual Special Olympics Punt, Pass " Kick competition, and has served as chairman of many charitable organizations and fundraisers.

the flag party consists of five members: one commander, two national flag raisers and two regional flag raisers) without a band performance.

The Bulldog Foundation donated money for the following amenities at Save Mart Center:The Bulldog Foundation Community Room, which displays the names of past presidents, current officers, lifetime honorees and annual top fund raisers, is used for show catering, premium seating holder dining, and is also available for rent.

Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump for fundraisers and campaign trips.

rolled out support for Fundraisers, including nonprofits fundraising for themselves, as well as individuals setting up fundraisers for personal causes and.

Society of Appraisers (ASA) is the largest multi-discipline, voluntary membership, trade association representing and promoting their member appraisers.

Popular charity fundraisers in major American.

The school holds various fundraisers such as car washes, head shaves, and bake sales to raise money for the cause.

A control fraud will often obtain "investments that have no readily ascertainable market value", and then shop for appraisers that will assign unrealistically.

Due to its popularity, the annual event also spawns fundraisers, BBQs, and other community gatherings.


bridge partner,


sorrow, unexciting, exciting,

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