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raise Meaning in marathi ( raise शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

वाढवणे, उचलून घेणे, वाढवण्यासाठी, निर्मिती करणे,


वाढवा, जादा, सुधारणा,


उंच करा, ताठ, मोठा आवाज करा, निर्मिती करणे, कापूस, जाती, तयार करण्यासाठी, विकसित करणे, सुधारण्यासाठी, तीव्र करा, तयारी करणे, मोठे करा, वाढवणे, गोळा करण्यासाठी, निरीक्षण करणे, कारखान्यात उत्पादित, चिथावणी देणे, यार्ड, पुढे सरका, जाहिरात करणे, जागे व्हा, स्थापन करणे, उच्चार करणे, सरळ करा,

raise मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

कॅथोलिक आणि ऑर्थोडॉक्स शिकवणीनुसार, तिच्या पृथ्वीवरील जीवनात शेवटी तिच्या शरीर स्वर्गात नेले गेले याला स्वर्गउन्नयन (म्हणजे सदेह स्वर्गात उचलून घेणे) म्हणतात.

raise's Usage Examples:

" Chisholm praises the mimes, saying "These.

It was still being raised when it was despatched to the front in 1965.

mixed to positive reviews from critics; some praised the spectacular visual sense in portraying the somber mood while others criticized its inadequate.

move upright", "to have one"s head up high", "to raise", "to shake threateningly", "to brandish" and "to listen attentively".

Writer and director Jarecki said serious examination of Eisenhower and the aftermath of his speech proved 'too radical' for potential American funders for his film and except for Sundance, he could not raise a dollar in the U.

Despite his successful career, he continued to have strong feelings of self-doubt and often expressed surprise at the critical praise he received.

Concerns and ethical considerationsEthical questions raised include who are good candidates to receive neural implants and what are good and bad uses of neural implants.

An act of parliament was passed on 28 March 1793, allowing the newly formed canal company to raise £100,000 in shares, with an additional £50,000 if required, and to construct railways to link the canal to mines, quarries and iron works.

She was raised in the Bronx and New Buffalo, Michigan.

This proved very successful: Frank Newfeld has praised it as "a gutsier Perpetua".

Early life and educationMutchnick was born in Chicago, Illinois, and raised in Beverly Hills by his single mother, who is Jewish.

Since going on air in 2004, the show has garnered praise from reviewers and won eleven PPI Radio Awards.


bump up, increase,


untroubled, organized, decrease,

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