<< metatarsal metatarsi >>

metatarsals Meaning in marathi ( metatarsals शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

पायाचा घोटा आणि पायाचे बोट यामधील कोणतेही हाड,

metatarsals's Usage Examples:

the legs; the humeri, radii, and ulnae of the arms; metacarpals and metatarsals of the hands and feet, the phalanges of the fingers and toes, and the.

The metatarsals are analogous to the metacarpal bones of the hand.

Feet and ankles (52 bones) - Left and right tarsals (14) (ankle), metatarsals (10), proximal phalanges(10), intermediate phalanges.

right metacarpal II, right manual phalanges and unguals, right and left tibiae, left astragalocalcaneum, left metatarsal I, right metatarsals II–IV, right.

It is the part of the pentadactyl limb that includes the metatarsals and digits (phalanges).

manual phalanges and unguals, right and left tibiae, left astragalocalcaneum, left metatarsal I, right metatarsals II–IV, right pedal phalanges and unguals.

pubis Leg femur patella fibula tibia sesamoid bones Foot tarsals heelbone anklebone navicular cuneiform cuboid metatarsals phalanges proximal intermediate.

hough) or pork knuckle is the joint between the tibia/fibula and the metatarsals of the foot of a pig, where the foot was attached to the hog"s leg.

Avemetatarsalia (meaning "bird metatarsals") is a clade name established by British palaeontologist Michael Benton in 1999 for all crown group archosaurs.

fragment and the right metatarsus composed by the second, third and fourth metatarsals and three pedal phalanges from an apparently immature individual.

proximal part of the middle metatarsal is pinched between the surrounding metatarsals.

The leg of a digitigrade mammal also includes the metatarsals/metacarpals, the bones that in a human compose the arch of the foot and the palm.

feet may have enabled the metatarsals to act as a lever, along with the stylopodium, or upper leg, and the zeugopodium, or lower leg.


metatarsus, bone, os,


black, boneless,

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