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metazoan Meaning in marathi ( metazoan शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)


उपराज्य मेटाझोआ प्राणी नाही, प्रोटोझोआ आणि स्पंज वगळता सर्व प्राणी,

metazoan's Usage Examples:

Many metazoan species carry symbiotic bacteria which play a mutualistic, commensal, or parasitic role.

The centrosome is thought to have evolved only in the metazoan lineage of eukaryotic cells.

bilatarian [sic] body and trace fossils, White Sea, Russia: implications for metazoan evolution".

some authors arguing that the former should be placed more basally among metazoans, and other authors asserting that the best choices of phylogenetic methods.

Protozoan and metazoan ice meiofauna, in particular turbellarians, nematodes, crustaceans and rotifers, can.

It may tentatively be named a metazoan extremophile or, more specifically, a thermophile.

It lasted for about 13 – 25 million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla.

experiment was the first successful nuclear transplantation performed in metazoans.

1 p130 – Retinoblastoma-like protein 2 They play crucial roles in the metazoan cell cycle through interaction with members of the E2F transcription factors.

Tiernavia is a monospecific genus of probable metazoan interpreted as a coelenterate (or even a cnidarian).

"The Cambrian "explosion" of metazoans and molecular biology: would Darwin be satisfied?".

The cloudinids, an early metazoan family containing the genera Acuticocloudina, Cloudina and Conotubus, lived in the late Ediacaran period about 550 million.

former should be placed more basally among metazoans, and other authors asserting that the best choices of phylogenetic methods support the position of.


Metazoa, creature, beast, brute, fauna, animate being, animal, subkingdom Metazoa,


male, female, humane, flora, mental,

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