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metatarsal Meaning in marathi ( metatarsal शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)



metatarsal's Usage Examples:

bound by a lateral crest and the proximal half of metatarsal III being unconstricted and markedly convex anteriorly.

the legs; the humeri, radii, and ulnae of the arms; metacarpals and metatarsals of the hands and feet, the phalanges of the fingers and toes, and the.

In human anatomy, plantar interossei muscles are three muscles located between the metatarsal bones in the foot.

abnormal bony enlargement of the first metatarsal, realigning the first metatarsal bone relative to the adjacent metatarsal bone, straightening the great toe.

including a partial left thigh, shin and shank, a complete metatarsal III and two toe bones.

The metatarsals are analogous to the metacarpal bones of the hand.

Feet and ankles (52 bones) - Left and right tarsals (14) (ankle), metatarsals (10), proximal phalanges(10), intermediate phalanges.

right metacarpal II, right manual phalanges and unguals, right and left tibiae, left astragalocalcaneum, left metatarsal I, right metatarsals II–IV, right.

The first metatarsal is missing.

It is the part of the pentadactyl limb that includes the metatarsals and digits (phalanges).

cuneiform the third or lateral cuneiform They are located between the navicular bone and the first, second and third metatarsal bones and are medial to.

manual phalanges and unguals, right and left tibiae, left astragalocalcaneum, left metatarsal I, right metatarsals II–IV, right pedal phalanges and unguals.

features, the most important being medial peritalar subluxation, increased calcaneal pitch (variable) and abnormal talar-1st metatarsal angle (Meary"s angle).


os, bone, metatarsus,


boneless, black,

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