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metatarsus Meaning in marathi ( metatarsus शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

मेटाटॅरसस, पदकुचंती,

पायाचे बोट आणि टार्सस दरम्यान मानवी पायाचा सांगाडा, पक्ष्यांच्या किंवा चतुष्पादांच्या मागच्या पायांचा संबंधित भाग,



metatarsus's Usage Examples:

It is known from an isolated metatarsus found in the Shestakovo-1 locality of southern Western Siberia.

plural coxae), trochanter, femur (plural femora), tibia (plural tibiae), tarsus (plural tarsi), ischium (plural ischia), metatarsus, carpus, dactylus (meaning.

both thighbones, both shinbones, the left calfbone, the left metatarsus, two toe phalanges and a foot claw.

Foot bones – tarsus, metatarsus Foot bones – metatarsus and phalanges Metatarsus Anatomy portal This article incorporates text.

spines on metatarsus IV and by the presence of pseudopreening combs on metatarsi III and IV.

The name Pedopenna refers to the long pennaceous feathers on the metatarsus; daohugouensis refers to the locality of Daohugou, where the holotype.

The calamistrum is found on the upper margin of the metatarsus of the hind legs.

fragment and the right metatarsus composed by the second, third and fourth metatarsals and three pedal phalanges from an apparently immature individual.

revised this analysis, finding that the metatarsus was fused distally and proximally, but not along most of the length.

bulb Calamistrum (plural calamistra): Modified setae (bristles) on the metatarsus of the fourth leg of spiders with a cribellum, arranged in one or more.

ischia), metatarsus, carpus, dactylus (meaning finger), patella (plural patellae).

distally, but Zhou and Hou (2002) revised this analysis, finding that the metatarsus was fused distally and proximally, but not along most of the length.

between the lower end of the tibia and the fibula of the lower leg and the metatarsus.

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