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metathesise Meaning in marathi ( metathesise शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)




metathesise's Usage Examples:

thought to arise from a re-analysis of the compound word *phere-t-polemos, metathesised to phere-ptolemos.

and resulted regularly in u before the nasal or liquid, which was then metathesised on the analogy of the remaining principle parts.

The second person object suffix may sometimes metathesise to -ʔkí.

that final vowel may apocopate or metathesise into the following component.

The 2nd person object suffix may sometimes metathesise to -ʔkí.

(metathesised) bernen (to burn).

The second-person object suffix may sometimes metathesise to -ʔkí.

ends in a vowel is prefixed to another component, that final vowel may apocopate or metathesise into the following component.

The metathesised vowel is realised as a glide, [j w] written as ï ü.

and Scottish Gaelic, meaning "New Shetland" (Sealtainn), itself from a metathesised form of Scots Shetland.

vowel suffering elision, the consonants becoming voiced, and the s being metathesised), which also gave rise to English bishop (the initial e and final us.

has the past tense cen-në, but mat- "to eat" has not *mat-në but the metathesised ma⟨n⟩t-ë.

[polemos]) "war" to a re-analysis of such a compound, *phere-t-polemos, metathesised to φερεπτόλεμος [phere-ptolemos].

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