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instigate Meaning in marathi ( instigate शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भडकावणे, मन वळवणे, प्रवृत्त करा,


उत्तेजित करा, चिथावणी देणे,

instigate मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

अनेक चर्चासत्रांच्यावेळी कितीही पूरावे दिले तरी मार्गारेट यांचे मन वळवणे अवघड असल्याचे त्यांचे विरोधक म्हणत.

या संवादामुळे व्यक्तीचे मन वळवणे,तसेच एखाद्यावर प्रभाव निर्माण करणे शक्य होते.

instigate's Usage Examples:

execution which instigate death either by the fracturing of the spine or by strangulation.

This perception of danger can instigate the fight-or-flight response associated with the sympathetic nervous system.

Representatives of the group also made public announcements that the Roman Catholic Church had instigated the Civil War, during which they said Catholics and Irish made up large numbers of deserters, and that both Grover Cleveland and William McKinley were controlled by the Church.

Other religious upheaval in the Ilkhanate during Ghazan's reign was instigated by Nawruz, Ghazan put a stop to these exactions by issuing an edict exempting the Christians from the jizya (tax on non-Muslims), and re-established the Christian Patriarch Mar Yaballaha III in 1296.

Two seminal papers on learning theory in Psychological Review helped to establish the field in a world that was still dominated by behaviorists: A paper by Bush and Mosteller instigated the linear operator approach to learning, and a paper by Estes that started the stimulus sampling tradition in psychological theorizing.

himself helping his sister Wendy and younger brother Lee Roy confront hatemonger Robin Jackson, who aimed to instigate race riots through his militant.

Silla, after nearly a millennium as a centralized kingdom was quickly declining, and Gung Ye instigated his own rebellion in present-day Kaesŏng in 898.

foil an intricate plot by their cunning nemesis, Professor Moriarty, to instigate a war.

Dyna-Mite warns the Invaders, and Alfie instigates a fight between the heroes and the Crusaders.

Kofman of Hoorn, supported by Krebs and Niehaus, now instigated a revolt against Van Bemmel and separated approximately half of the thousand members of the HAZK.

It disbanded the Electorate of Hanover and instigated its occupation by French troops.

On the night of 25–26 June, Kaunas pogrom led by Klimaitis" unit was instigated by Franz Walter Stahlecker, commanding officer of Einsatzgruppe A.

The Heenan Family scored the first major victory in the feud when Heenan helped instigate a 2-on-1 attack on André, an incident that resulted in Studd and Patera cutting André's famous locks of hair.


incite, set off, stir up, provoke, raise, act, stimulate, move,


go, descend, precede, stay in place, refrain,

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