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instigators Meaning in marathi ( instigators शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भडकावणारे, मन वळवणारा,


मन वळवणारा, वाईट कृत्यांना प्रोत्साहन देणारी व्यक्ती,

instigators's Usage Examples:

These trials involved the instigators of the coup as well as other junta members of various ranks who took.

According to philosopher Iain King, "Most instigators of conflict overrate their chances of success, while most participants underrate their chances.

game was full of brawls and Sheehan, who was seen as one of the main instigators, was suspended for a season and a half (28 games).

noted for work in plant classification and evolution, and one of the instigators of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group-classification for flowering plants.

The Ribble Link Trust is a waterway society, campaigners, instigators of and involved in the Ribble Link, a navigable waterway that connects the Lancaster.

The government oversaw the trials of the instigators of the 1934 military coup and also concluded pacts with Yugoslavia and.

Although considered by some senior officers in the Greater Manchester Police to be the instigators of much of Manchester's major crime, many others believed that the gang was nothing more than a social friendship between a group of men, most of whom came from Ancoats.

Bligh, after an epic open-boat journey, eventually reached England, where he implicated Heywood as one of the mutiny's prime instigators.

past, the augustes were never described as clowns because, technically, they were not instigators but recipients of the comic doings.

post-confrontation arrests, which initially targeted people who were defending the event against the violence rather than the instigators of it.

One of the main instigators in this drama was Jeremiah O'Driscoll, affectionately known as cus.

This tends to antagonize others, even when it appears to the instigators that they are acting with.

The instigators lambasted Mutalibov as an undedicated and weak leader in the war in Karabakh.


leader, initiator, aggressor,


sheep, inferior, employee, follower,

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