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instil Meaning in marathi ( instil शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

घालणे, ठिपके ओतणे (मनातील कल्पना इ.) हळू हळू आत प्रवेश करणे,


बिंदूने बिंदू घाला, हळू हळू प्रविष्ट करा,

instil's Usage Examples:

The medication is instilled into the urethra via the urinary meatus five to ten minutes prior to the.

combat scenes, efficient direction Aditya Dhar… Uri is thrilling, gripping, instils patriotism, without getting jingoistic.

enhance the image of the South African Air Force, encourage recruitment and instill national pride through public display.

Given that Singapore had reached the standards of a First World economy, Singapore should focus on instilling an inquisitive spirit within students, to encourage students to ask questions.

instills in him his dreams of triumph: he will be a great man, admired and adulated, a great seducer, a great artist.

His father was an amateur geologist and paleontologist who instilled his son with an abiding interest in the earth sciences.

Hooper also ideates about the instillation of militarized masculinity in boys, discussing how.

School distinguishes itself as a preeminent education institution that instills its students with a lifetime commitment to learning, extraordinary character.

real estate agents and building developers convince white property owners to sell their houses at low prices, which they do by telling house owners that racial minorities will soon move into their neighborhoods in order to instill fear in them.

A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that can instill great frustration in an individual.

His parents instilled in him the values of self-confidence, religiosity and a spirit of generosity demonstrated by giving to persons less fortunate than oneself.

Turkish language in all the schools of the Empire, with the aim to denationalize all the non-Turkish communities and instil patriotism among Turks.

"Just hearing his name instills fear in us", said a member of the Kankuamos, a native community from the.


instill, insert, infix, enter, introduce,


clock out, end, phase out, unplug, detach,

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