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instigations Meaning in marathi ( instigations शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भडकावणे, मन वळवणे, सल्लामसलत, प्रोत्साहन, खळबळ, चिथावणी देणे,

कठोर विनंतीसह मौखिक कायदा,


खळबळ, सल्लामसलत, चिथावणी देणे,

instigations मराठी अर्थाचे उदाहरण:

७) कटात सहभागी होण्यासाठी सुशिक्षित तरुणांना चिथावणी देणे आणि,.

instigations's Usage Examples:

The interventions attempt to reduce environmental stressors and instigations to aggression and to use inclusion and positive engagement to reduce.

carriage dispute with Quebecor over TVA Sports, which has included several instigations of the CRTC"s "Final offer arbitration" (FOA) process; Quebecor attempted.

Ma è solo un brutto scherzo" ["Social" instigations to suicide, panic in Russia for death chats.

Being in the core of her instigations on the camera apparatus and its subjective role in society, her second.

the next 10 years, the ECI lab was the site of electronic networking instigations that contributed significantly to the canon of collaborative telecommunications.

the American intelligence community, Gülen"s alleged instigations or fomentations toward the 2016 coup attempt by factions within Turkish armed forces.

addition, the Institute informs the public of the crimes, abuses and instigations to crime, conducted in the name of ‘class struggle’ by the powerful people.

On 2 June 1793, in the context of Jean-Paul Marat"s anti-Girondist instigations, he proposed a decree of accusation against the Girondists; a week later.

[citation needed] In 1810, further instigations led to the establishment of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester.

Kufa remained a source of instigations albeit from a minority.

individuals in the American intelligence community, Gülen"s alleged instigations or fomentations toward the 2016 coup attempt by factions within Turkish.

he wakes up he has no memory of the last year and under his mother"s instigations he"s led to believe that Valentina is a bad person and he also believes.

he was able to escape further reprisals in 659, when by Empress Wu"s instigations Zhangsun was forced to commit suicide and Empress Wang"s uncle Liu Shi.


trigger, induction, initiation, fomentation,


finish, folly, disapproval, despair, disheartenment,

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