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instigating Meaning in marathi ( instigating शब्दाचा मराठी अर्थ)

भडकावणे, मन वळवणारा,


उत्तेजित करा, चिथावणी देणे,

instigating's Usage Examples:

Towards the end of his life, Miyazaki was recognized for his services to the community, which included founding the local ambulance service and instigating a proper hospital for Lillooet, by being enrolled in the Order of Canada.

An English-language article analyzing the treatment of Ukrainian Canadians in the Canadian encyclopedias published in 1936 and 1958 and the critical role of Rudnyckyj in instigating some major changes which helped to eliminate the negative ethnic bias of the 1936 article.

He later became involved with, possibly instigating, a revolt by Justinian"s officers in the Crimea, which led ultimately.

under pretexts such as instigating a "global socialist revolution" or ensuring "containment" of such a revolution.

The DA and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) accused the ANC of instigating and spreading the protests to discredit them in the run up to the 2019.

indictment for instigating deportation, persecution (forcible displacement), and other inhumane acts (forcible transfer) as crimes against humanity due to his.

common law, barratry is the offense committed by people who are "overly officious in instigating or encouraging prosecution of groundless litigation" or.

Dalits, this privileged upper-caste Indian worldview had long festered with glairing moral blindness and socioeconomic inequalities and injustices, instigating.

Successful treatment focuses on the prevention and progression on the condition and modifies the current habit/s instigating the condition.

It is said to have been the "instigating" film of the Romanian New Wave.

extremist thoughts with the aim of instigating sedition and division or disdaining and contempting any of the heavenly religions or the sects belonging thereto.

police; more specifically, it is a riot that police are responsible for instigating, escalating or sustaining as a violent confrontation.


incite, set off, stir up, provoke, raise, act, stimulate, move,


go, descend, precede, stay in place, refrain,

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