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wattle and daub Meaning in Telugu ( wattle and daub తెలుగు అంటే)

వాటిల్ మరియు డౌబ్, విల్ట్ మరియు డాబ్


విల్ట్ మరియు డాబ్,

wattle and daub's Usage Examples:

The early buildings had thatched roofs and walls of wattle and daub often whitewashed.

Most common homes at this time were still made of wattle and daub with glassless wind-eyes (windows), properties easily razed by fire.

Buildings were made primarily of wattle and daub, using thatched roofs, or, occasionally, wooden shingles.

technique derives from an earlier, more primitive, process called wattle and daub.

It is thought to have been a wattle and daub yeoman farmer"s house originally, built around 1500.

source of material for adobe, cob, rammed earth, wattle and daub, and other earthen construction methods for millennia.

There are suggestions that construction techniques such as lath and plaster and even cob may have evolved from wattle and daub.

Buildings were of wattle and daub or mud brick.

were two popular choices for wattle and daub infill paneling: close-studded paneling and square paneling.

Clay-based subsoil has been the primary source of material for adobe, cob, rammed earth, wattle and daub, and other earthen construction methods for millennia.

early buildings had thatched roofs and walls of wattle and daub often whitewashed.

Jacal construction is similar to wattle and daub.


building material,


natural object,

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