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wattmeter Meaning in Telugu ( wattmeter తెలుగు అంటే)

వాట్మీటర్, వాట్ మీటర్

విద్యుత్ సర్క్యూట్లో విద్యుత్ ప్రవాహాన్ని కొలిచే ఒక పరికరం,


వాట్ మీటర్,

wattmeter's Usage Examples:

voltmeter electric potential, voltage VU meter volume unit wattmeter electrical power weighing scale weight wind vane wind direction zymometer fermentation.

The wattmeter is an instrument for measuring the electric power (or the supply rate of electrical energy) in watts of any given circuit.

Electrical Instrument Corporation which would become famous for its voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, ohmmeters, frequency meters, transformers, and transducers.

wattmeters and DC-AC converters 3.

A wattmeter is connected to the primary.

Corporation which would become famous for its voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, ohmmeters, frequency meters, transformers, and transducers.

of direct-operated indicating instruments (voltmeters, ammeters, and wattmeters).

However, in wattmeters, energy meters, and power factor meters, phase shift produces errors.

In most types, unlike voltmeters and wattmeters, there is no restoring spring torque for the magnetically produced torques.

"Measurement of three-phase power with the 2-wattmeter method" (PDF).

The traditional analog wattmeter is an electrodynamic instrument.

In 1888 he formed the Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation which would become famous for its voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, ohmmeters.

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