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uprights Meaning in Telugu ( uprights తెలుగు అంటే)

నిటారుగా, నిజమైన వ్యక్తి


ప్రత్యక్ష వ్యక్తి, న్యాయవాది, నిజాయితీ వ్యక్తి, నిజమైన వ్యక్తి, నిలబడి వ్యక్తి,

uprights తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

కూచిపూడివారికి సంగీతాన్ని అందించడంలోనే తన నిజమైన వ్యక్తిత్వం ఆవిష్కృతమైందని సంగీతరావు విశ్వాసం.

uprights's Usage Examples:

Various forms of indoor football also recognize the single, but the ball must not only cross the end zone, but pass through the uprights (as in a field goal) as well.

support, in the later bay designs, a capstone could be supported on just two uprights (forming a single bay), the three stones being built as one unit, like.

structure usually consists of two vertical posts, called goal posts (or uprights) supporting a horizontal crossbar.

, between the uprights and over the crossbar.

used when the uprights are resting on uneven floors; the shims, equal in size to the base of the uprights, are installed beneath the uprights to level the.

This form of the joint is commonly used to house a rail in uprights, such as legs.

Suspension (front) Aluminium uprights with carbon fibre composite wishbones, trackrod and pushrod.

have B pillars, so the only uprights present were those supporting the windshield.

Yale captain Walter Camp drop-kicked the ball through the uprights, but the goal was disallowed when the referee ruled the ball had touched.

The company offers a full line of vacuum cleaners, including uprights, cordless, canisters, sticks and handhelds.

(12 m) goalposts, which consist of two uprights joined by a 18+1⁄2-foot-long (5.

separated by a thin stretcher in the center of the handles, making a wide H shape (the cheeks form the uprights of the H, the stretcher the crossbar of the.

1 m) timber longitudinals, common timber trestles with 2 unbraced uprights (Pier 1), 3 single braced uprights (Pier 2) and 5 double braced.


perpendicular, vertical, unsloped,


scarce, controlled, horizontal, inclined,

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