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uproariously Meaning in Telugu ( uproariously తెలుగు అంటే)

కోలాహలంగా, కాని sewingly.


కాని sewingly., కదలిక,

uproariously's Usage Examples:

Letter to Three Wives" was a dramatic, biting commentary, which often was uproariously funny, "Three Husbands" is merely a slick sleight-of-hand, ably performed.

" Other US estimates included "endlessly fascinating and uproariously funny" (New York Herald Tribune), "a genuinely uproarious sex comedy.

individual scenes, with minor problems like the audience applauding or uproariously whooping (the latter since becoming a satirical cliché in shows which.

never act on holds her appeal; she does it for us unapologetically and uproariously.

John Joseph Adams has called it "uproariously funny".

" Now he was laughing uproariously.

TV Guide wrote, " wild little comedy with Formby performing uproariously as usual.

In these poems, often uproariously rhymed, Snodgrass stood his former confessional style on its head at the same time as satirizing contemporary attitudes.

Club said, "By turns playful, harrowing, intensely moving, and uproariously funny, Chain Camera cuts away all documentary artifice and goes straight.

The audience laughs uproariously at Billy"s shame-faced accounts of these incidents.

so many uproariously absurd situations in this Chaplin comic, all consequent upon the ardent desire of our friend "Props" to run the whole of the affairs.

San Francisco Chronicle called the book "honest, reflective, and often uproariously funny,".

Alexander Hamilton biographer Ron Chernow said, "I can remember laughing uproariously when [Lin] first sent me King George III"s satirical song to the colonists.



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