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upchucking Meaning in Telugu ( upchucking తెలుగు అంటే)


నోటి ద్వారా కడుపు కంటెంట్ను తీసుకోండి,

upchucking's Usage Examples:

Another study, which considered "chuck" to be the opposite of upchucking, determined that a woodchuck could ingest 361.

Vomiting Other names Emesis, puking, barfing, heaving, throwing up, blowing chunks, upchucking, technicolor yawn, spewing, tossing your cookies Miracle.

barfing, heaving, throwing up, blowing chunks, upchucking, technicolor yawn, spewing, tossing your cookies Miracle of Marco Spagnolo by Giorgio Bonola.

puking, barfing, heaving, throwing up, blowing chunks, upchucking, technicolor yawn, spewing, tossing your cookies Miracle of Marco Spagnolo by Giorgio.

offal, leading Lacey to vomit and cause a chain reaction of LA and Andrea upchucking while the others plugged their ears.

names Emesis, puking, barfing, heaving, throwing up, blowing chunks, upchucking, technicolor yawn, spewing, tossing your cookies Miracle of Marco Spagnolo.

Vomiting Other names Emesis, puking, barfing, heaving, throwing up, blowing chunks, upchucking, technicolor yawn, spewing, tossing your cookies Miracle of.


be sick, eliminate, cast, disgorge, pass, regorge, sick, purge, spue, vomit, excrete, honk, spew, chuck, barf, vomit up, regurgitate, egest, throw up, cat, puke, retch,


keep down, include, necessitate, stay in place, dematerialize,

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