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upcoast Meaning in Telugu ( upcoast తెలుగు అంటే)

తీరప్రాంతం, అప్ త్రో


అప్ త్రో, బౌన్స్,

upcoast's Usage Examples:

Buenaventura was founded in 1782 next to the Ventura River, 10 miles (16 km) upcoast from the Santa Clara River.

Sandbars extend across and upcoast throughout the beach, creating shallow waters around the south end.

Beachwalkers may reach McGrath State Beach upcoast and Oxnard Beach Park downcoast.

Oxnard Beach Park is immediately upcoast of Hollywood Beach and separates the community from the Oxnard neighborhood.

Mugu Lagoon is a salt marsh just upcoast from the promontory within the Naval Base Ventura County formerly called.

deposited silt and debris into recently completed Ventura Harbor just upcoast from the reclamation facility.

Manresa State Beach is to the north-upcoast of Sunset State Beach.

at the southernmost end of the beach, large sandbars extend across and upcoast, forcing swells to break extremely fast and hollow.

due to the refraction of approaching waves and their diffraction by an upcoast headland.

immediately downcoast of his sister, Martina Castro"s Rancho Soquel, and upcoast of his father, José Joaquín Castro"s Rancho San Andrés.

Solomon Islands) has four non-compass directions: landward, seaward, upcoast, and downcoast.

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