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tolerance Meaning in Telugu ( tolerance తెలుగు అంటే)

ఓరిమి, సుబార్


ఓరిమి, సుబార్,

tolerance తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఇదే విధమైన అభివృద్ధి ఎగువ మెసొపొటేమియా, సుబార్టు, అస్సిరియాల్లోనూ జరిగింది -కాకపోతే, ఇది 3 వ సహస్రాబ్ది మధ్య నుండి జరిగింది, దిగువ మెసొపొటేమియా కంటే తక్కువ స్థాయిలో జరిగింది.

tolerance's Usage Examples:

Antigen-specific mechanisms of peripheral tolerance include direct inactivation of effector T cells by either clonal deletion, conversion to regulatory T cells (Tregs).

Drug naïvety is the physiological state of non-habituation or non-tolerance to either a specific drug or broader set of drugs related by pharmacological.

She has traveled around the world recalling her experiences making To Kill a Mockingbird, while expounding the book's messages of tolerance and compassion.

Vedder"s lyrics criticize organized religion, which Vedder considers hypocritical for their intolerance and "so many of the things which have come out.

class switching, breaking cross-tolerance in dendritic cells, in the activation and growth of cytotoxic T cells, and in maximizing bactericidal activity.

We Are Not Alone (9 August 1983) – Ackroyd is concerned that he is now maintaining some of the systems beyond their level of tolerance — emergency repairs are now the norm.

The group has previously prepared a ruthenium amphiphilic dye Z-907 (cis-Ru(H2dcbpy)(dnbpy)(NCS)2, where the ligand H2dcbpy is 4,4′-dicarboxylic acid-2,2′-bipyridine and dnbpy is 4,4′-dinonyl-2,2′-bipyridine) to increase dye tolerance to water in the electrolytes.

It reduces the stimulatory effects of caffeine by increasing tolerance, and it increases the withdrawal symptoms of caffeine as the body becomes more sensitive to the effects of adenosine once caffeine intake decreases.

the Latin tolerans (present participle of tolerare; "to bear, endure, tolerate"), the word tolerance was first used in Middle French in the 14th century.

above foliage, fragrance, length of flowering season, and disease or pest tolerances or resistance.

Their execution sparked riots in London, Paris and Germany, and helped to reinforce the image of Boston as a hotbed of intolerance and discipline.

Secondly, pluralism, tolerance and broadmindedness are hallmarks of a "democratic society" (p.

social or political practices and "tolerance" as a set of attitudes.


acceptance, unpermissive, toleration, lenience, permissive, sufferance, temperament, overtolerance, indulgence, permissiveness, leniency, disposition,


ill nature, uncheerfulness, unpermissiveness, unpermissive, permissive,

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