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radicalize Meaning in Telugu ( radicalize తెలుగు అంటే)

తీవ్రవాదం, ఫండమెంటలిజం

సామాజిక లేదా రాజకీయ దృక్కోణాలలో మరింత మౌలికమైనవాదులు,


రాడికలిజం, పూర్తి సంస్కరణ అనుబంధం, ఫండమెంటలిజం,

radicalize తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

చర్చిలో భాగంగాని వివిధ రూపాల్లో బహుభార్యాత్వ విధానాలు, సిద్ధాంతాలు కొనసాగాలని ఆశించే మోర్మన్ ఫండమెంటలిజం వంటివి కూడా ఉన్నాయి.

మతపరమైన ఫండమెంటలిజం కు వ్యతిరేకంగా ఉన్న అతని రచనలు సానుకూల, ప్రతికూల సమీక్షలను పొందాయి.

radicalize's Usage Examples:

identified simply as "thrash") sought to play at breakneck tempos that would radicalize the innovations of hardcore.

The Great Famine had radicalized Greek opinion.

in showing that givenness is the "sole horizon of phenomena" Marion radicalizes this argument in the formulation, "As much reduction, as much givenness".

of America (SPA) in an effort to unite the anti-Stalinist left and to radicalize that organization.

ActivismEuropeWith the war coming to a close, Sándor returned to his hometown of Csap, where he came into contact with radicalized friends espousing Marxist ideas about the imperialist nature of the war and touting the new social system in the process of being established in the wake of the Russian Revolution.

Such musicals utilize spectacle and increased technology to "radicalize the imagistic potential of musical theatre.

The Inspirés (Inspired) were Huguenots in Southern France who radicalized following their suppression and begun an itinerant ministry preaching the end time was at hand with claims of prophetic inspiration.

expanded significantly as even the moderate opposition against Marcos was radicalized.

displaced by a more radicalized gay identity.

increasingly radicalized Armed Islamic Group of Algeria (GIA) presented three ultimatums including punishment of secularist Algerian generals, the banning of the.

One camp refuses to believe any Muslim could be radicalized living in blind multiculturalism, apologetics, and denial, and the other.

David Kozubei, who was later invited to the United States to run and radicalize a bookstore in Ann Arbor, Michigan, from whence he was recruited by the.

Both sides of the continuum are protected by an organization of secret agents called the Black Guard, specifically from a group of radicalized members of the Black World.


change, alter, modify,


stiffen, decrease, tune, dissimilate,

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