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polliwogs Meaning in Telugu ( polliwogs తెలుగు అంటే)

పోలీవోగ్స్, పాలీవోగ్స్

ఒక లార్వా ఫ్రాగ్ లేదా టాడ్,

polliwogs's Usage Examples:

"polliwogs", or "chuckleheads".

Along the Narwhal"s tusk, a groove filled with crushed stone, detailed polliwogs, and tadpoles develops into frogs swimming upstream through a river of.

appear, so lowest-low Retief is dispatched to question the giant leprous polliwogs lounging on shore.

is colloquially referred to as a “pollywog”; during this ceremony, all polliwogs are "promoted" to shellbacks, and formally welcomed into Neptune’s realm.

larvae that emerge from the eggs, known as tadpoles (or occasionally polliwogs), typically have oval bodies and long, vertically flattened tails.

species may be known by a variety of slang names, such as "mud cat", "polliwogs", or "chuckleheads".

The equator was crossed at 167 degrees West on 13 August and the new "polliwogs" were initiated by the experienced "shellbacks" among the crew into the.

Gullah Gullah Island is a family kind of place, where friends and even polliwogs are invited to make themselves at home.

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