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polluter Meaning in Telugu ( polluter తెలుగు అంటే)

కాలుష్యకారకుడు, కాలుష్యం వ్యాప్తి


కాలుష్యం వ్యాప్తి,

polluter's Usage Examples:

communities against anyone who threatens their right to clean water—from polluters to unresponsive government agencies.

polluting sites in New Jersey; he stated, “We’re sending a strong message to polluters that no matter how big you are, or how powerful you are, or how long you’ve.

Environmentalists contended that her policies were designed to placate polluters, and accused her of trying to dismantle the agency.

of South Carolina"s North Tyger River had standing to sue an industrial polluter, against whom various deterrent civil penalties were being pursued.

During her 22 months as agency head, she cut the budget of the EPA by 22%, reduced the number of cases filed against polluters, relaxed Clean Air Act regulations, and facilitated the spraying of restricted-use pesticides.

The Caribbean Islands are the biggest plastic polluters per capita in the world.

first full-time Hudson Riverkeeper, to patrol the river, protect it from polluters, and enforce environmental laws.

His 1995 column on Time-Warner, terming it America"s "leading cultural polluter", sparked the campaign that led to Time-Warner"s decision to sell off its.

His 1995 column on Time-Warner, terming it America"s "leading cultural polluter", sparked the campaign that led.

parties responsible for hazardous substances releases to the environment (polluters) and either compel them to clean up the sites, or it may undertake the.

It is the largest polluter in the Philippines.

January 1995 - Listed again in the National Rivers Authority"s top ten of worst polluters having been convicted of.

This facility was identified by the EPA as a major air polluter in the 1990s and was investigated by the CDC for worker health hazards.


defiler, bad person,


good egg, good person,

polluter's Meaning in Other Sites