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podzols Meaning in Telugu ( podzols తెలుగు అంటే)


శంఖాకార లేదా హీథర్ వృక్షాల క్రింద చల్లని ఉప్పు వాతావరణంతో సమశీతోష్ణమైన ఒక నేల; బూడిద లీచ్ పొర మీద ఒక సేంద్రీయ మత్,

podzols తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

పోడ్జోల్ ప్రొఫైల్ అభివృద్ధి చాలా అటవీ నేలల్లో కనిపిస్తుంటుంది.

podzols's Usage Examples:

Many Berkshire soils lack the eluvial (E) horizon characteristic of podzols because they have a history of being cleared for cultivation.

Pakihi soils, usually gleys or podzols, are infertile and leached of most nutrients by constant water.

minerals A: absent in most boreal podzols E: common, is ashen grey and leached in Fe and Al B: always, receives Fe and Al through illuviation C: common.

The soil is mostly poor quality podzols.

over rock which lacks olivine, although many of these podzols lack an eluvial (Ae) horizon.

Although classed with podzols because they have an iron-rich, or spodic horizon, they are, in fact intermediate between podzols and Brown earths.

The soils of the north and west tend to be poorly drained peats and gleys, including peaty podzols.

is ongoing and will eventually result in either podzols or luvisols.

derived soils are the moderately deep brown, red and gleyed colluvial podzols of the Watagan soil landscape.

chemical weathering, with a higher iron-oxide concentration than with podzols, hence the reddish colour.

In soil science, podzols are the typical soils of coniferous or boreal forests.

and, outside of poorly drained areas, have classic podzol profile development; well-drained podzols are mapped as Kye loamy sand and Quinsam gravelly sandy.

The soils of Mount Arvon are classic podzols which have developed on sandy loam glacial till locally overlain with a.


podsolic soil, podzol soil, dirt, podsol, podsol soil, soil,


cleanness, improved, clean,

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