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person of color Meaning in Telugu ( person of color తెలుగు అంటే)

రంగుల వ్యక్తి, రంగు



person of color తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

రాజు కంపెనీకి 500 ఫిరంగులను, 500 పదాతి దళాన్ని ఇవ్వడానికి అంగీరకరించాడు.

వస్తువు-C పై విలక్షణంగా ఊదా రంగులో పాలిషు చెయ్యబడి, డిజైన్లు నలుపు రంగులో ఉన్నాయి; ఇవి ప్రోటో-హరప్పన్ పాత్రల్లో అత్యుత్తమ ఫినిషింగు కలిగినవి.

ఫోటో తీసే సమయంలోనే ఆ పదార్థాల రంగులని కావలసినంత పెంచుకోవటం, తగ్గించుకోవటం చేయవచ్చును.

ఆర్కిడ్స్ జాతులకు చెందిన కొన్ని పుష్పాలు ఉదాహరణకు, రూపంలోనూ, రంగులోనూ, వాసన లోనూ ఆడ తేనె టీగలును పోలి ఉండే పుష్పాలను ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తాయి.

డైనైట్రోజన్ టెట్రాక్సైడ్ రంగులేని ద్రవం.

వీటికి అంచుల్లో రంగులతో నగిషీలు అద్దబడి ఉంటాయి.

ఉదాహరణకి ఇంద్రధనుస్సులో తరంగ దైర్ఘ్యం (wavelength) తక్కువ ఉన్న ఊదా (‘వయలెట్’) రంగు ఎక్కువ చెదురుతుంది, తరంగ దైర్ఘ్యం ఎక్కువ ఉన్న ఎరుపు (‘రెడ్’) తక్కువ చెదురుతుంది.

సాధారణంగా డూడుల్స్ చేతిలో ఉన్న ఏదో ఒక రంగు పెన్/పెన్సిల్ తో వేయబడతాయని, కానీ అదే పని గా ప్రత్యేక రంగులను వాడబడిన డూడుల్స్ నుండి కూడా కొన్ని అర్థాలను తీయవచ్చని ఈ పుస్తకాలలో తెలుపబడింది.

చందమామ వలెనే రంగుల బొమ్మలతో, ప్రాచీన సాహిత్యం నుంచి తీసిన కథలతో ఆసక్తికరంగా ఉండేది.

అనేక ఇతర ఫిల్టర్లకంటే రంగును బాగా విభజిస్తుంది.

టంగ్‌స్టన్ కొన్ని ప్రత్యేక పరిస్థితులలో ఆక్సిజన్‌తో కలిసి పసుపురంగు గల టంగ్‌స్టన్‌ ఆక్సైడ్ WO 3 ను ఏర్పరుస్తుంది.

బ్లిచింగ్/రంగు తగ్గించడం.

రంగుపురం (గజపతినగరం)లో భూ వినియోగం కింది విధంగా ఉంది:.

రంగుపురం (గజపతినగరం)లో వ్యవసాయానికి నీటి సరఫరా కింది వనరుల ద్వారా జరుగుతోంది.

person of color's Usage Examples:

historic, with Wataru Misaka of the New York Knicks becoming the first person of color to play in modern professional basketball.

She is the first person of color to serve in the position.

was the highest ranked person of color, at number three, while Oprah Winfrey, at number nine, was the highest.

first NBA general manager from the Greater Toronto Area, and the first person of color to serve as the general manager of the Chicago Bulls franchise.

The term "person of color" (plural: people of color, persons of color; sometimes abbreviated POC) is primarily used to describe any person who is not.

Elected in 2016, Lee is the first person of color and of Asian descent to represent that district.

However, a post by an African American woman addressing her uncomfortableness of being the only person of color in a small-town restaurant was met.

As further racial groups were categorized, white became narrowly construed, and everyone else was categorised as a person of color, suggesting that white people have no race, while racial subdivision of those of color was unimportant.

In the United Kingdom, "black" was historically equivalent with "person of color", a general term for non-European peoples.

says, "I wanted to make films [that] a person of color, a woman, or a bisexual person would enjoy watching.

His election in 2013 marked the first time in history a person of color held local office in Taylor, Michigan.

In this sense, from the CRT perspective, the white skin that some Americans possess is akin to owning a piece of property, in that it grants privileges to the owner that a renter (in this case, a person of color) would not be afforded.


namesake, nude, physical body, dissident, coward, welcomer, quarter, second-rater, debitor, indigene, sneezer, significant other, muscle builder, contestant, match, expert, persona non grata, neglecter, human body, mailer, occultist, physique, adult, handicapped person, peer, unskilled person, straight, capitalist, sounding board, stranger, mutilator, beguiler, beard, Israelite, computer user, Pisces, sweater, baby buster, literate, saluter, advocator, ouster, pursuer, grownup, fighter, fastener, first-rater, mangler, worldling, affiant, topper, candidate, Jat, propositus, White, intellectual, crawler, malcontent, Sagittarius, material body, organism, homophile, smasher, habitant, powderer, sniffler, endomorph, roundhead, southpaw, bereaved, socialiser, withholder, Jew, adoptee, captor, visually impaired person, terror, fugitive, realist, watcher, belligerent, modifier, gem, discriminator, applied scientist, free agent, signer, monolingual, exponent, kink, nonperson, primitive person, reliever, Archer, baby boomer, appreciator, married, segregate, orphan, transexual, modern, gentile, applier, biter, dyslectic, quitter, face, rester, advocate, coddler, ruler, compeer, bather, self, thirster, winner, follower, nonworker, inhabitant, achiever, onanist, delayer, smotherer, groaner, tiger, dancer, vanisher, counterterrorist, anti, wanter, linguist, somebody, hope, aboriginal, miracle worker, Negroid, Crab, guesser, Fish, machine, fiduciary, huddler, allayer, disentangler, sniffer, ethnic, loose cannon, contriver, observer, mouse, friend, namer, urinator, liver, succeeder, posturer, rich person, outdoorsman, totemist, precursor, swayer, searcher, scholar, national, cloud seeder, cross-dresser, baulker, possessor, Black, male, ape, transfer, snuffer, compulsive, creator, authority, deviser, bullfighter, wuss, shaker, homunculus, person of colour, sensualist, survivor, emotional person, cashier, transvestite, homo, revenant, native, testator, witness, left-hander, suspect, battler, abstinent, supernumerary, autodidact, anomaly, red-header, man, money dealer, innocent, Aries, aborigine, doer, someone, party, debtor, dead person, unraveller, success, transsexual, drug user, struggler, mother hen, Leo, longer, Virgo, creditor, Aquarius, abstainer, subject, contemplative, squint-eye, adversary, partner, redheader, hoper, slobberer, creeper, amateur, walk-in, thrower, restrainer, weasel, masturbator, departed, percher, person of color, effecter, baldhead, money handler, asthmatic, indweller, soma, controller, free spirit, dieter, muscleman, abjurer, doubter, pansexual, slave, unwelcome person, public relations person, common person, imitator, male person, bad person, capturer, baby, archaist, adventurer, good person, ancient, yearner, neighbor, large person, six-footer, stooper, apprehender, nurser, yielder, percipient, cripple, female person, sort, introvert, copycat, unfortunate, measurer, wight, untier, gatekeeper, advisee, insured, blogger, socializer, enjoyer, shape, build, Black person, quester, skidder, dweller, misogamist, Hebrew, mixed-blood, gambler, cause, drooler, squirmer, saver, sport, collector, knower, Scorpion, picker, hater, life, mediocrity, aggregator, slider, social dancer, disputant, runaway, preserver, spousal equivalent, stigmatist, bod, double, heterosexual person, celebrater, rusher, venturer, sniveler, learner, demander, actor, interpreter, mover and shaker, chassis, balker, homosexual, denizen, relation, heterosexual, celebrator, sloucher, attempter, Elizabethan, resister, clumsy person, faddist, spurner, testate, deaf person, African, neighbour, scourge, frame, threat, middlebrow, rectifier, Capricorn, Slav, weight gainer, unraveler, lover, signatory, bodybuilder, assessee, surrenderer, Ram, transferee, blonde, domestic partner, polyglot, form, sphinx, personification, White person, gainer, ward, laugher, nonresident, noncompliant, forerunner, perceiver, riser, sentimentalist, Negro, dupe, brunette, equal, essayer, unfastener, complexifier, combatant, pisser, have, greeter, nonpartizan, brunet, deceased person, commoner, tyrant, communicator, chooser, closer, proponent, manipulator, Latin, repeater, passer, perspirer, shitter, sex symbol, Water Bearer, causal agent, Twin, waker, selector, tapper, good guy, muscle-builder, faller, protester, best, voider, forgiver, mortal, excuser, scrag, censor, experimenter, female, celebrant, nonparticipant, traveller, juvenile, acquirer, ectomorph, Virgin, scientist, Caucasian, user, spouse equivalent, beholder, doormat, granter, toucher, miracle man, skin and bones, arrogator, appointment, flesh, controversialist, individualist, optimist, Cancer, child, expectorator, acquaintance, jumper, admirer, blackamoor, decedent, rescuer, romper, third-rater, opponent, fleer, unfortunate person, Native American, eristic, visionary, defecator, spitter, being, survivalist, active, tagger, deliverer, tempter, opposer, Balance, Victorian, birth, antagonist, player, redhead, image, inexperienced person, man jack, snuffler, radical, ostrich, pussycat, relative, look-alike, registrant, righthander, baldpate, traveler, bedfellow, buster, aper, counter, turner, Scorpio, intellect, emulator, bereaved person, Goat, engineer, ejector, appointee, waiter, slipper, bluecoat, lefty, guinea pig, maimer, showman, leader, indigen, grunter, nondrinker, spoiler, pardoner, termer, divider, nonpartisan, nondescript, soul, substance abuser, abomination, Lion, needer, victim, bomber, gay, Gemini, undoer, abator, weakling, kneeler, wealthy person, dissenter, philosopher, winker, effector, right hander, causal agency, opener, blond, worker, people, freewheeler, wriggler, anatomy, religious person, yawner, primitive, warrior, entertainer, trier, individual, mestizo, seeder, planner, bad guy, simple, unusual person, chameleon, assimilator, nonsmoker, insured person, sex object, grinner, figure, lightning rod, dead soul, dribbler, driveller, junior, seeker, common man, objector, immune, literate person, comforter, scrapper, romanticist, outcaste, Amerindian, small person, color-blind person, wiggler, anti-American, charmer, musclebuilder, dresser, adjudicator, enrollee, prospect, technologist, nonreligious person, pamperer, jewel, Taurus, recoverer, carrottop, knocker, slayer, baldy, Bull, convert, mollycoddler, hugger, boomer, juvenile person, agnostic, mesomorph, stigmatic, extravert, owner, loved one, nude person, simpleton, applicant, gatherer, stifler, Libra, right-hander, smiler, personality, sleepyhead, deceased, explorer, straight person, chutzpanik, nonmember, unperson, sprawler, thin person, killer, ladino, neutral, squinter, degrader, differentiator, creature, case, extrovert, scratcher, toreador, personage, debaser, changer,


fat person, introvert, good guy, acquaintance, male, debtor, worker, adult, female, loser, juvenile, bad person, agonist, religious person, pessimist, creditor, partisan, leader, good person, nonreligious person, member, stranger, bad guy, withholder, unemotional person, resident, granter, extrovert, liberator, drinker, follower, smoker,

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