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person Meaning in Telugu ( person తెలుగు అంటే)

వ్యక్తి, ముఖము


ఒప్పందాలు, ముఖము, వ్యక్తిత్వం, వ్యక్తి, మనిషి,

person తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

కావ్యముఖము, పురవర్ణనము, రాజు వేటకేగుట, హరిణి పూర్వకథ, పరిజనము రాజునరయుట, అనపత్యతకు రాజు విచారించుట, మంత్రులు రాజునోదార్చుట.

తళ్ళికోట యుద్ధము తరువాత సూర్యదేవరవారి ప్రభావము తగ్గుముఖము పట్టింది.

ఆయనను చూసి తులసి కామ పీడితురాలై గణపతితో వికారముగా గజముఖమును కలిగి లంబోదరముతో ఏకదంతము కలిగి నువ్వు ధ్యానం వదిలి పెట్టి బాహ్య ప్రపంచములోకి రమ్ము అని అంటుంది.

ఒక చెంచా పసుపు పొడి, కొంచము కుంకుమ పొడి, ఒక చెంచా వేపచూర్ణము పచ్చి పాలలో వేసి కలిపి మిశ్రమాన్ని తయారుచేసి ముఖము, ఇతర చర్మభాగాల మీద రాస్తే మచ్చలు దద్దుర్లు వంటివి పోతాయి.

దరహాసోజ్జ్వలన్ముఖీ - మందహాసము చేత ప్రకాశించు ముఖము కలది.

అంగం;- కాల పురుషుని అంగము ముఖము.

ఎవరి ముఖము ఏవిదముగా ఉన్నదో అనేది ఇలా వివరిస్తారు.

సాధారణంగా రెండు అడ్రినలిన్ గ్రంథులు, లేదా మజ్జాముఖము లేదా ఉపమస్తిష్కము అనబడే మెడుల్లా అబ్లాంగేటాలోని న్యూరాన్లు దీనిని ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తాయి.

వాని ముఖమును అమృతము సోకెను కావున చక్రముచే నఱకబడినను ప్రాణము పోక ఆకాశమునందే నిలిచెను.

ఈస్తంభబోధికలందు వృషభములు, హయములు, స్ఫింక్సులు (Sphinxes- అనగా మానుషస్త్రీముఖము కలిగిన జంతురూపములు) మొదలైనవి ఉన్నాయి.

చతుర్ముఖుడు || నాలుగు ముఖములు కలవాడు || బహువ్రీహి సమాసం.

person's Usage Examples:

Griffiths (Matt Malloy), and they argue that Phoebe did not give them enough time to figure out why Shax, the personal assassin of The Source of All Evil, is after Dr.

physical restraint of the person to be tickled to prevent them protecting the ticklish spots or otherwise interfering with the game.

acting for the owner) to the intent that a third person C (known as the demandant, and usually an estate trustee or the purchaser, if the land was being.

During encapsulation, a person “attempts to enclose or seal off representations of the trauma”, resulting in denial or disavowal.

Slater (December 3, 1902 – January 25, 1965) was an American educator, sports announcer, and radio/television personality from the 1920s through the 1950s.

In psychology, an inferiority complex is an intense personal feeling of inadequacy, often resulting in the belief that one is in some way deficient, or.

The Clasp to the Iron Cross (Spange zum Eisernen Kreuz) was a white metal medal clasp displayed on the uniforms of German Wehrmacht personnel who had.

In some common law nations, a recognizance is a conditional obligation undertaken by a person before a court.

As recently as 2012, official church spokesperson Michael Otterson stated the church has also encouraged limiting meat consumption in favor of grains, fruits and vegetables.

Dual-sleeving, or controlling two bodies with one personality, is strictly prohibited.

Mirroring is the behavior in which one person unconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another.

also a juridic, juristic, artificial, legal, or fictitious person, Latin: persona ficta).


changer, debaser, personage, toreador, scratcher, extrovert, case, creature, differentiator, degrader, squinter, neutral, ladino, killer, thin person, sprawler, unperson, nonmember, chutzpanik, straight person, explorer, deceased, sleepyhead, personality, smiler, right-hander, Libra, stifler, gatherer, applicant, simpleton, nude person, loved one, owner, extravert, stigmatic, mesomorph, agnostic, juvenile person, boomer, hugger, mollycoddler, convert, Bull, baldy, slayer, knocker, carrottop, recoverer, Taurus, jewel, pamperer, nonreligious person, technologist, prospect, enrollee, adjudicator, dresser, musclebuilder, charmer, anti-American, wiggler, color-blind person, small person, Amerindian, outcaste, romanticist, scrapper, comforter, literate person, immune, objector, common man, seeker, junior, driveller, dribbler, dead soul, lightning rod, figure, grinner, sex object, insured person, nonsmoker, assimilator, chameleon, unusual person, simple, bad guy, planner, seeder, mestizo, individual, trier, entertainer, warrior, primitive, yawner, religious person, anatomy, wriggler, freewheeler, people, worker, blond, opener, causal agency, right hander, effector, winker, philosopher, dissenter, wealthy person, kneeler, weakling, abator, undoer, Gemini, gay, bomber, victim, needer, Lion, abomination, substance abuser, soul, nondescript, nonpartisan, divider, termer, pardoner, spoiler, nondrinker, grunter, indigen, leader, showman, maimer, guinea pig, lefty, bluecoat, slipper, waiter, appointee, ejector, engineer, Goat, bereaved person, emulator, intellect, Scorpio, turner, counter, aper, buster, bedfellow, traveler, baldpate, righthander, registrant, look-alike, relative, pussycat, ostrich, radical, snuffler, man jack, inexperienced person, image, redhead, player, antagonist, birth, Victorian, Balance, opposer, tempter, deliverer, tagger, active, survivalist, being, spitter, defecator, visionary, eristic, Native American, unfortunate person, fleer, opponent, third-rater, romper, rescuer, decedent, blackamoor, admirer, jumper, acquaintance, expectorator, child, Cancer, optimist, individualist, controversialist, flesh, appointment, arrogator, skin and bones, miracle man, toucher, granter, doormat, beholder, spouse equivalent, user, Caucasian, scientist, Virgin, ectomorph, acquirer, juvenile, traveller, nonparticipant, celebrant, female, experimenter, censor, scrag, excuser, mortal, forgiver, voider, best, protester, faller, muscle-builder, good guy, tapper, selector, waker, Twin, causal agent, Water Bearer, sex symbol, shitter, perspirer, passer, repeater, Latin, manipulator, proponent, closer, chooser, communicator, tyrant, commoner, deceased person, brunet, nonpartizan, greeter, have, pisser, combatant, complexifier, unfastener, essayer, equal, brunette, dupe, Negro, sentimentalist, riser, perceiver, forerunner, noncompliant, nonresident, laugher, ward, gainer, White person, personification, sphinx, form, polyglot, domestic partner, blonde, transferee, Ram, surrenderer, assessee, bodybuilder, signatory, lover, unraveler, weight gainer, Slav, Capricorn, rectifier, middlebrow, threat, frame, scourge, neighbour, African, deaf person, testate, spurner, faddist, clumsy person, resister, Elizabethan, attempter, sloucher, celebrator, heterosexual, relation, denizen, homosexual, balker, chassis, mover and shaker, interpreter, actor, demander, learner, sniveler, venturer, rusher, celebrater, heterosexual person, double, bod, stigmatist, spousal equivalent, preserver, runaway, disputant, social dancer, slider, aggregator, mediocrity, life, hater, picker, Scorpion, knower, collector, sport, saver, squirmer, drooler, cause, gambler, mixed-blood, Hebrew, misogamist, dweller, skidder, quester, Black person, build, shape, enjoyer, socializer, blogger, insured, advisee, gatekeeper, untier, wight, measurer, unfortunate, copycat, introvert, sort, female person, cripple, percipient, yielder, nurser, apprehender, stooper, six-footer, large person, neighbor, yearner, ancient, good person, adventurer, archaist, baby, capturer, bad person, male person, imitator, common person, public relations person, unwelcome person, slave, pansexual, doubter, abjurer, muscleman, dieter, free spirit, controller, soma, indweller, asthmatic, money handler, baldhead, effecter, person of color, percher, departed, masturbator, weasel, restrainer, thrower, walk-in, amateur, creeper, slobberer, hoper, redheader, partner, adversary, squint-eye, contemplative, subject, abstainer, Aquarius, creditor, Virgo, longer, Leo, mother hen, struggler, drug user, transsexual, success, unraveller, dead person, debtor, party, someone, doer, aborigine, Aries, innocent, money dealer, man, red-header, anomaly, autodidact, supernumerary, abstinent, battler, suspect, left-hander, witness, testator, native, revenant, homo, transvestite, cashier, emotional person, survivor, sensualist, person of colour, homunculus, shaker, wuss, bullfighter, deviser, authority, creator, compulsive, snuffer, transfer, ape, male, Black, possessor, baulker, cross-dresser, cloud seeder, national, scholar, searcher, swayer, precursor, totemist, outdoorsman, rich person, posturer, succeeder, liver, urinator, namer, friend, mouse, observer, contriver, loose cannon, ethnic, sniffer, disentangler, allayer, huddler, fiduciary, machine, Fish, guesser, Crab, Negroid, miracle worker, aboriginal, hope, somebody, linguist, wanter, anti, counterterrorist, vanisher, dancer, tiger, groaner, smotherer, delayer, onanist, achiever, inhabitant, nonworker, follower, winner, thirster, self, bather, compeer, ruler, coddler, advocate, rester, face, quitter, dyslectic, biter, applier, gentile, modern, transexual, orphan, segregate, married, appreciator, baby boomer, Archer, reliever, primitive person, nonperson, kink, exponent, monolingual, signer, free agent, applied scientist, discriminator, gem, modifier, belligerent, watcher, realist, fugitive, terror, visually impaired person, captor, adoptee, Jew, withholder, socialiser, bereaved, southpaw, roundhead, endomorph, sniffler, powderer, habitant, smasher, homophile, organism, material body, Sagittarius, malcontent, crawler, intellectual, White, propositus, Jat, candidate, topper, affiant, worldling, mangler, first-rater, fastener, fighter, grownup, pursuer, ouster, advocator, saluter, literate, baby buster, sweater, Pisces, computer user, Israelite, beard, beguiler, mutilator, stranger, sounding board, capitalist, straight, unskilled person, peer, handicapped person, adult, physique, occultist, mailer, human body, neglecter, persona non grata, expert, match, contestant, muscle builder, significant other, sneezer, indigene, debitor, second-rater, quarter, welcomer, coward, dissident, physical body, nude, namesake,


smoker, follower, drinker, liberator, extrovert, granter, resident, unemotional person, withholder, bad guy, stranger, member, nonreligious person, good person, leader, partisan, creditor, pessimist, religious person, agonist, bad person, juvenile, loser, female, adult, worker, debtor, male, acquaintance, good guy, introvert, fat person,

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