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heirlooms Meaning in Telugu ( heirlooms తెలుగు అంటే)

వారసత్వ సంపద, ఉత్తర విరాళం


ఉత్తర విరాళం, వారసత్వం,

heirlooms's Usage Examples:

Sir Rory Mor"s Horn is a drinking horn, one of several heirlooms of the MacLeods of Dunvegan, chiefs of Clan MacLeod.

gold reserves, warehoused paintings, family heirlooms).

adaptation), Manderley is a typical country estate: it is filled with family heirlooms, is run by a large domestic staff and is open to the public on certain.

, for cimelia "heirlooms, treasures" is used).

They are classified as: family heirlooms, commercial heirlooms, mystery heirlooms, or created heirlooms.

comes up with the idea of stealing Lester"s family heirlooms and claiming the insurance (the heirlooms do not legally belong to Lester, so cannot be sold).

considered heirlooms and taking more than a week to craft, tablecloths and doilies weren"t bringing in enough money for the village lace makers, which affected.

Regardless of a person"s specific interpretation, most authorities agree that heirlooms, by.

During the evenings leading up to the parade, some private houses in the old kimono merchant district open their entryways to the public, exhibiting family heirlooms in a custom known as the Byōbu Matsuri, or Folding Screen Festival.

Maur, which caused uproar on the part of his younger brother the 13th Duke, who considered the treasures to be family heirlooms which should have passed to him.

the form of contemporary writings and artwork, and George IV tended to commingle the state property of the Royal Jewels with family heirlooms and his own.

Ulos are traditionally hand woven and in the case of higher-quality examples are significant family heirlooms.

British heirlooms to his bride, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, as a wedding present.


belongings, inheritance, property, holding, heritage,


misconception, anisotropy, isotropy, solubility, insolubility,

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