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fasted Meaning in Telugu ( fasted తెలుగు అంటే)

ఉపవాసం చేశారు, స్వచ్ఛమైన


ఉపవాసం, లోదుస్తుల, స్వచ్ఛమైన,


ఆహారం లేదు, ఉపవాసం,


నిజాయితీగా, ముందుకు, తీవ్రమైన, వేగవంతమైన, కలవరము, పక్కా, త్వరలోనే,


స్థిరత్వం, కఠినంగా, త్వరగా, జాగ్రత్తగా,

fasted's Usage Examples:

Wesley himself also fasted before receiving Holy Communion "for the purpose of focusing his attention.

The Bath Club, where Mark Twain breakfasted.

They arrived from Antelope Springs, east of Tombstone, where they had been rounding up livestock with their brothers and had breakfasted with Clanton and Tom McLaury the day before.

Scottish man Angus Barbieri (1939 – 7 September 1990) fasted for 382 days, from June 1965 to July 1966.

That agreement was signed in President Read"s office, and the signees breakfasted together afterward.

Constantine the Great first learned of Christianity in his cubiculum and fasted there for a week before his first confession and baptism.

He breakfasted with Sir Walter Scott at The Swan, an inn on today"s A591, whose sign.

When he had seen all he breakfasted, and visited patients at their houses.

14 April 1775 – We breakfasted, dined, suppd " slept at Norwich.

According to Coptic sources, he once fasted for 80 days, to the point that his skin cleaved to his bones.

design A wax design model A simpler farmer"s version, warm canopy apparently fasted to the ceiling-beams Canopy bed Polish bed "Bed (Lit à la Turque) (Getty.

He was a very devout Muslim and fasted during Rajab, Sha"ban and Ramadan.

If then you shall have fasted and after been tempted, say not, I have lost the fruit of my fast; for though it have not availed to hinder temptation, it will avail to hinder you from being overcome by temptation.


fast-breaking, swiftness, swift, windy, instantaneous, sudden, instant, prompt, fast-paced, high-speed, blistering, immediate, accelerated, fleet, rapid, scurrying, speed, alacritous, straightaway, hurried, meteoric, hot, winged, high-velocity, red-hot, quick, smart, fastness, hurrying, express, speedy, double-quick,


movableness, looseness, unhurried, slow, gradual,

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