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fasti Meaning in Telugu ( fasti తెలుగు అంటే)

ఫాస్తి, స్వచ్ఛమైన


ఉపవాసం, లోదుస్తుల, స్వచ్ఛమైన,


ఆహారం లేదు, ఉపవాసం,


నిజాయితీగా, ముందుకు, తీవ్రమైన, వేగవంతమైన, కలవరము, పక్కా, త్వరలోనే,


స్థిరత్వం, కఠినంగా, త్వరగా, జాగ్రత్తగా,

fasti's Usage Examples:

The tree is fastigiate when young, but like its parent "Dampieri" can become more spreading with.

The distress became so great that the patriarch Rabban Gamaliel II, who was shut up there and died soon afterwards, permitted fasting even on Ḥanukkah.

He also rigorously enforced the regulations around fasting.

He has been variously described as physically slight, ascetic, fastidious and cunning.

Three days before the foreseen death of Satyavan, Savitri takes a vow of fasting and vigil.

This fasting became the model for the practice of Lent in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches, a ritual that lasts forty days, but is today a less than total abstinence.

In the Orthodox Christian majority countries, it is sometimes eaten during fasting seasons due to the absence of meat, eggs or dairy products.

Additionally, the disorder prevents the body from making ketones, which are used for energy during fasting.

Robert's life often appeared to resemble a 20th century grand tour, strewn with places in the sun, grand seigneurs and charming hostesses, in which he was the fastidious literary pilgrim.

The ship also had copper and iron fastings.

Indeed, the Midrash explains that fasting can potentially elevate one to the exalted level of the ministering angels.

Both Kimbell (the sheer noisiness of Attila made it a bête noire of fastidious critics and Budden (.

His hosts were breakfasting on a dead Frenchman.

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