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epithelioma Meaning in Telugu ( epithelioma తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎపిథెలియోమా, ఉపన్యాలియో

ఎపిథిలియల్ కణజాలం యొక్క ప్రాణాంతక కణితి,

epithelioma's Usage Examples:

Tumours originating in the ciliary body of the eye are referred to as embryonal medulloepitheliomas, or diktyomas.

lesions produced by diseases such as lupus, basal cell carcinoma, and epithelioma.

When malignant, which is exceedingly rare, they are known as malignant myoepithelioma or Myoepithelial carcinoma.

acrochordon, seborrheic keratosis, intradermal melanocytic nevi, neurofibromas, verrucae and fibroepithelioma of Pinkus.

examining the influence of ultraviolet rays on the course of lupus, epithelioma.

, 2021) it is “A naturally occurring medulloepithelioma has been documented in a goldfish,” The life span of the Goldfish is that of the normal goldfish.

Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma is a benign tumour and can be managed safely with surgical removal, electrodesiccation.

Generalized trichoepitheliomas are characterized histologically by replacement of the hair follicles by trichoepithelioma-like epithelial proliferations.

are benign sudoriferous tumors, and have also been described as cystic epitheliomas of the sweat glands.

Russell bodies, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, and groups of large vacuolated histiocytes containing Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (Mikulicz cells).

It was originally described in 1967 by Arnold Graffi as a cause of epithelioma in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).

the common head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs), "poorly differentiated" nasopharyngeal carcinoma is lymphoepithelioma, which is distinct.

other skin conditions (such as epidermal cyst, pilar cyst, calcifying epithelioma, or a solitary trichoepithelioma (Tural, Selçukbiricik, Günver, Karışmaz.

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