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epitomic Meaning in Telugu ( epitomic తెలుగు అంటే)

ఎపిటోమిక్, జనవరి మురాక్


జనవరి-మురాక్, వాబా, అంటు వ్యాధి,

epitomic's Usage Examples:

Gilligan was impressed with the episode, and noted that the episode was epitomic of the seventh season of the show as whole.

is member of the Alliance Graphique International (AGI) Horkay"s art is epitomic in the double meaning of the word: a fragment, an incised part of something.

The text is an epitomic example of Hafiz’s sensibility.

Mazzaropi the actor and film maker was himself epitomic of another influence in that part of the country: the son of Italian immigrants.

The first use of epitomic analysis was with image textures for the purposes of image parsing.

She has a very broad repertoire, but is the epitomic Queen of the night in Mozart"s The Magic Flute.

the DVD commentary for the episode, Castuera argued that this episode is epitomic of their differing storyboarding sensibilities, as her scenes focus mostly.

New Testament (many philosophical "introductions" and "guides" share the epitomic form, unlike general "introductions" to a field).

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