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epitaphs Meaning in Telugu ( epitaphs తెలుగు అంటే)

శిలాశాసనాలు, సమాధి వ్యాసం


సమాధి వ్యాసం,

epitaphs's Usage Examples:

interesting of Latin epitaphs, is unique because it contains both typical epitaphic information and more personal and sexual details.

RIP (abbreviating rest in peace, or Latin: requiescat in pace) is a common element of Christian epitaphs.

Under the RomansThe first irrefutable evidence of Jews in what is now Morocco, in the form of gravestone epitaphs in Hebrew at Volubilis and the ruins of a third century synagogue, dates back to late antiquity.

His epitaphs are models of simplicity and grace.

Western culture, epitaphs for notable people became increasingly lengthy and pompous descriptions of their family origins, career, virtues and immediate family.

Within the church premises there are tombstones and epitaphs for the Frederick Reedtz who was buried here.

writer, interspersed with epitaphs copied in churchyards, and some doggerel verse.

characterised by their gloomy meditations on mortality, "skulls and coffins, epitaphs and worms" elicited by the presence of the graveyard.

His robustest friends, however, expect him to survive to crack jokes on their epitaphs.

Since 1902, epitaphs and tombstones which originally covered the floor of the church completely.

Thus the dates of the epitaphs of the family of Asher ben Jehiel in the first.

phrase "peace to thy gentle shade [and endless rest]" is sometimes seen in epitaphs, and was used by Alexander Pope in his epitaph for Nicholas Rowe.


lettering, inscription,

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