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degenerate Meaning in Telugu ( degenerate తెలుగు అంటే)

అధోకరణం చెందుతాయి, తక్కువస్థాయి మనిషి


బడ్జాత్, తప్పుడు వ్యక్తి, ఫెర్రస్, తక్కువస్థాయి మనిషి,


భవిష్యదారము, సున్నితమైన, మైదానం,

degenerate's Usage Examples:

(political and human), and for her easy and promiscuous sexual habits; this dissoluteness, even having a brush with "suspicion of incest," tended to degenerate.

A degenerate interval is any set consisting of a single real number (i.

It has been shown by Einstein at the beginning of the twentieth century that if the excited and the ground level are non degenerate then the absorption rate W_{12}and the stimulated emission rate W_{21}are the same.

On August 28, 2013, the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington, in which her father took part, King spoke and related that the denizens of the United States were still bound by a cycle of civil unrest and inherit social biases, in our nation and the world, that oftentimes degenerates into violence and destruction.

From the electronic point of view this means that the 3z^2-r^2 and x^2-y^2 orbitals, that are degenerate and free to hybridise in the octahedral geometry, will mix to produce appropriate equivalent orbitals in each direction like 3x^2-r^2 or 3y^2-r^2.

murders, Anquin denounced the middle and upper class for complicity and cowardice and claimed that "communism, Judaism, and degenerate Radicalism" were.

divided into "kingdoms, empires, city-states, federations, theocracies, tyrannies, conglomerates, unions, principates and various degenerate savage .

intermediate value r  1, the circle degenerates to a line, the perpendicular bisector of CD.

degenerate would translate into maladaptations and soon become crippling if not "weeded out" (see also Eugenics).

Grammophon and played at the Delphi Filmpalast in Berlin, but in 1942 he was chastened by the Sicherheitsdienst for playing degenerate music.

Coordination chemistryThe JTE is usually stronger where the electron density associated with the degenerate orbitals is more concentrated.

Edge praised the game as being a frantic, polished battle and commented on the novel mechanics of the game, however they ultimately summarized that its major flaw was that it degenerates into mindless button bashing.


pederast, letch, miscreant, lecher, fetishist, bugger, pedophile, paederast, reprobate, sod, sodomite, sodomist, masochist, nymphomaniac, satyr, pervert, paedophile, sadomasochist, deviate, sadist, child molester, deviant, nympho, lech,


unneurotic, equal, conform, normal, moral,

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