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degeneracy Meaning in Telugu ( degeneracy తెలుగు అంటే)

క్షీణత, అనంతత


అనంతత, క్షీణత, కొరత, పతనం, క్షీణించడం,

degeneracy తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

జీవజగత్తులుగా పరిణమించినప్పటికీ దాని అనంతత్వానికి భంగం రాదు.

తనలోనుంచి సమస్త జగత్తు ఉద్భవించినా అతని అనంతత్వానికి ఏ లోటూ రాదు.

అనాది కొసనుంచి అనంతతత్త్వంలోకి.

బైరన్, టెన్నిసన్ చేరిన ఔన్నత్యాలను మించిన అనంతత్వాలకు ఎగరాలని ఆరాట పడ్డాడు.

అనంతత్వం, సత్తా, ప్రకృతి ఈ మొదలయినవి వైకల్పికాలు.

degeneracy's Usage Examples:

White dwarfs resist gravitational collapse primarily through electron degeneracy pressure, compared to main sequence stars, which resist collapse through.

to express the degeneracy of the energy states as a differential, and summations over states as integrals.

corresponding to a particular energy level is known as the degree of degeneracy of the level.

While recognizing the JTE distortion as a concrete example of the general spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism, the exact degeneracy of the involved electronic state was identified as a non-essential ingredient for this symmetry breaking in polyatomic systems.

The degeneracy of a graph is the smallest value of k for which it is k-degenerate.

The point of degeneracy can thus not be stationary, and the system distorts toward a stationary point of lower symmetry where stability can be attained.

It followed this up with the publication of a book of the same title, consisting of 265 photographs, each with a derogatory caption asserting the degeneracy of the Jewish race.

Strictly speaking, the effect also occurs when there is a degeneracy due to the electrons in the t2g orbitals (i.

If the boundary is a gapped degenerate state, the degeneracy.

The degeneracy pressure of electrons and the energy generated by these fusion reactions.

stability and degeneracy are not possible simultaneously unless the molecule is a linear one .

In a magnetic field the degeneracy of the M_L levels is split into two levels with z projections of angular momenta +1ħ and −1ħ around the molecular axis.

The degeneracy of a graph is a measure of how.


depravation, corruption, depravity, immorality, putrefaction,


righteousness, rightness, incorruptibility, evolution, morality,

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