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bluffer Meaning in Telugu ( bluffer తెలుగు అంటే)




bluffer's Usage Examples:

nonsense about who is being seen where and, it turns out, is not a timid bluffer when it comes to coaxing out a murderer.

Farsantes (Spanish: The bluffers) is a 2013 Argentine legal drama.

bluffer to bring in a faraway piece that can actually defend against the bluffed piece.

[clarification needed] When a bluff is called, the accused bluffer reveals their dice and the winner is determined.

Proud and a bluffer, Mounir wishes to be admired by all, but he has a weakness: His sister.

A well-known quote from Pope is that "snakes are first cowards, then bluffers, and last of all warriors.

snake, bluffer, faux viper, plains hognose snake, prairie hognose snake, spoonbill snake, spreadhead snake, Texas hognose snake, Texas rooter, and western.

then replaced Wally Bayola in the comedy-game show Celebrity Bluff as a "bluffer" or known as celebrity gangnammm in 2013.

The size and frequency of a bluff determines its profitability to the bluffer.

blog/2009/09/08/daniel-hudons-the-bluffers-guide-to-the-cosmos/ Bluffers.

Young"s popularity grew when she starred in her husband"s Jeykele the bluffer.

Common names for Heterodon nasicus include blow snake, bluffer, faux viper, plains hognose snake, prairie hognose snake, spoonbill snake.


deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, four-flusher, slicker,


undercharge, square shooter,

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