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bluish purple Meaning in Telugu ( bluish purple తెలుగు అంటే)

బ్లూయిష్ పర్పుల్, పదునైన ఊదా

bluish purple's Usage Examples:

He has a bluish purple satellite bracelet, a bluish purple iPhone case written.

Flowers An example is the bluish purple flowers of the Japanese garden iris (Iris ensata).

depending on the cultivar: from pale white, to yellow, to red and bluish purple.

ovate, lanceolate, greenish-gray, and the plant produces 1–2 cm long, bluish purple flowers.

The bluish purple color of the flowers of the Japanese garden iris is an example of the.

It has bluish purple flowers (Thelymitra crinita is the only orchid that has true blue flowers).

Consisting of colorless needle-like crystals, triphenylene emits bluish purple fluorescence by UV irradiation.

extending to the apex, but not quite to the anal angle, containing bright bluish purple metallic scales throughout its length.

One of the hardiest species of passionflower, it is both found as a wildflower in the southern United States and in cultivation for its fruit and striking bluish purple blooms.

southern United States and in cultivation for its fruit and striking bluish purple blooms.

drinks caffuccino from a bluish purple cup with a black "B" letter written.

corona consists of 6 or 7 rows, which are white at the base and above bluish purple.


blue-purple, chromatic,


achromatic, uncolored, grey-white,

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