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bean Meaning in Telugu ( bean తెలుగు అంటే)




bean తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

వరి, మొక్కజొన్న, సోయాబీన్.

ప్రత్తి, సోయాబీన్, జొన్న.

బ్రెజిల్ నారింజ, కాఫీ, చక్కెర చెరకు, కాసావా, సిసల్, సోయాబీన్స్, బొప్పాయిల అతిపెద్ద ఉత్పత్తిదారులలో ఒకటి.

వరి, మొక్కజొన్న, సోయాబీన్.

మొక్కజొన్న, సోయాబీన్.

ప్రత్తి, సోయాబీన్, జొన్న.

మొహమ్మద్ బీన్ తుగ్లక్ (1972).

మలేషియా ఎయిర్ లైన్స్ రెండు క్యాబీన్లు, మూడు తరగతులున్న విమానాలను నడిపిస్తోంది.

ప్రత్తి, సోయాబీన్, కంది.

ప్రత్తి, సోయాబీన్, కంది.

వరి, మొక్కజొన్న, సోయాబీన్.

bean's Usage Examples:

Macédoine de légumes nowadays is usually a cold salad or hors d"oeuvre of diced vegetables, in France often including red beans.

Popular condiments include shredded lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, salsa, pico de gallo, shredded cheese, refried beans, and diced tomatoes.

using coconut milk, gungo peas (pigeon peas) or red peas (kidney beans), uncured meats and salted meats such as pork and beef as primary ingredients.

and many of the varieties used for dried pulses are also used for green vegetables, with their beans in pods while young.

Other crops which contribute to the economy are potatoes, carrots, corn, sweetpeas, string beans and herbs.

Tauhu goreng, fried bean curd with sweet sauce.

When told Sammy would be held back, Lana refused to admit Sammy's real age to her, out of fear she'd spill the beans.

They were the only group to sustain a guerrilla insurgency in the modern English-speaking Caribbean over an extended period of time.

Caribbean region, between the departments of Sucre and Bolívar which demobilized in June, 2007.

(Paraiba to Rio Grande do Sul) Peru Colombia This species was found in a dasheen (Colocasia esculenta) field in the Caribbean island of Dominica.

remains of the old manor today is one Jacobean over-mantel with termini caryatids, and some panelling in the "new" Chicheley Hall.

His work with text and sound was influenced by Kabbalah, as well as African, Afro-Caribbean and Indonesian music and culture.


bean plant, soy, edible bean, soya bean, legume, common bean, goa bean, soybean, soya,


abstain, leave, fail, defend,

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