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annoyingly Meaning in Telugu ( annoyingly తెలుగు అంటే)

చికాకుగా, కోపం తెప్పించేది

annoyingly తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

'ఇతరులకు కోపం తెప్పించేది, అసౌకర్యం కలిగించేది, తీవ్ర తప్పిదం.

అతను మృదంగం వాయించేవాడు, అది ఇరుగుపొరుగు వారికి కోపం తెప్పించేది.

మియా అతని విషయంలో చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండేది, అది ఎంత అధికంగా ఉండేదంటే మియా ఆమె తల్లి హెలెన్ రెండవ సంతానాన్ని పెంచే సామర్థ్యాన్ని కలిగిలేదని ఆలోచించటాన్ని ఆమె తల్లికి కోపం తెప్పించేది.

annoyingly's Usage Examples:

easygoing swirl of Arabic-tinged strings and jazz-edged piano" and "[being] annoyingly interspersed with spoken "interludes" [by Joseph and others]" as the reason.

Although he adores his wife and loves her, he is annoyingly faultfinding and taking dirty digs on her.

looks like a Bachelorette set, the blatantly staged conversations, the annoyingly visible microphone packs.

about a restaurant that has Spam in almost every dish in which vikings annoyingly sing "Spam" repeatedly.

it’s thrift in difficult economic times, or it’s a way to get around annoyingly high expectations about gift-giving.

cartoon tells the story of Donald, who is trying to sleep, despite the annoyingly loud ticking of the clock keeping him awake.

from the stylistic points of view annoyingly pretentious"), instead of Clifford Odets" The Flowering Peach (their preferred.

Rough Guide quoted Fricke singing "He"s a Heartache" as sounding like "an annoyingly peppy aerobics instructor.

varyingly described the track as "specifically designed for pogoing", "annoyingly catchy", and the "poppiest thing since "Roll with It".

Justin is annoyingly smart, Clyde is a neat freak and alcoholic, Bonnie is Clyde"s sister who.

ocean to ocean, tracing the course of the Amazon River, and somewhat annoyingly to many viewers, complained about everything associated with the Amazon.

from the stylistic points of view annoyingly pretentious"), instead of Clifford Odets" The Flowering Peach (their preferred choice).

"Checking in on Atlanta"s "most annoyingly vacant" spaces, years later".

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