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annualise Meaning in Telugu ( annualise తెలుగు అంటే)

వార్షికం, చూడండి



annualise తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

మొదటి బొమ్మలో స్ప్రింగు ఉన్న భారమాపకం (బొమ్మ చూడండి) లోని తొట్టెలో పెట్టిన వస్తువు బరువు (weight) ని బట్టి స్ప్రింగు పొడుగు తగ్గుతుంది.

annualise's Usage Examples:

Today, ShopBack averages an order every 2 seconds, with an annualised sales figure of over USD"500 million and 5 million users in early 2018.

where: σ realised {\displaystyle \sigma _{\text{realised}}} is the annualised realised volatility, K vol {\displaystyle K_{\text{vol}}} is the volatility.

The annualised realised variance.

46% three year annualised return at the end of March 2018 and has £125 million assets.

ended 31 March 2017, its annualised 20-year real rate of return was 3.

In an annualised report published by Novoye Vremya in 2019, the top 100 wealthiest business.

Over this 28-year period the fund achieved annualised growth of 19.

Typically, the period of time is a year, in which case the rate of return is also called the annualised.

Lithium industry revenue has increased at an annualised 8.

Returns on the portfolio over 5 years to 31 March 2019 were an annualised 10.

The company has annualised revenues of circa £375 million, over 6,500 customers and over 2,200 employees.

For the year ended 31 March 2017, its annualised 20-year real rate of return was 3.

total Eastern European business had revenues of £35 million per year and annualised profits of around £6 million.

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