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adornment Meaning in Telugu ( adornment తెలుగు అంటే)

అలంకారం, మాండన్


మేకప్, మాండన్, అలంకరణ,

adornment తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

ఛురికాకూశ్మాండన్యాయము : కడవెడు గుమ్మడికాయ కత్తిపీటకు లోకువ.

adornment's Usage Examples:

It has the precision of poetry, but without adornment, unnecessary wordage, or concession to literary conceit.

Albeit the diplomat returned fortuneless, the elegantly adornmented wrapper in which he had bore his diploma and.

*Geryon's adornments, compared to her weavings.

By the above periods metalworkers were very skilled at creating objects of adornment, religious artifacts.

illness); Aceso (the healing process); and Aglaïa (beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, and adornment).

poor and some may even be wealthy, but the adornments of the temporal worldly life are kept in perspective and do not detract from their constant neediness.

It has been suggested that his name is derived from Persian Ziwar (adornment).

bracelets, necklaces, anklets, rings, watches, masks, purses, and other adornments.

As an example of these, the tribe Phyllomorphini Mulsant " Rey, 1870, are strikingly aberrant, with thin legs, spiny bristles, and laciniate outlines and adornments.

gothic architecture; however, it also has many Renaissance elements and adornments.

bags attached to the saddle, garments, decorative fabric, cookware, table linen, cutlery, adornments, handwritten documents, writing tools and model.

polished stone and other tools used for carving, scraping, cleaving, triturating, and piercing, in addition to artifacts of ceremonial use and adornments.

healing process); and Aglaïa (beauty, splendor, glory, magnificence, and adornment).


ruffle, plume, banding, novelty, flounce, gaud, circlet, epaulet, pendant, pectoral medallion, passementerie, jewellery, cordon, gewgaw, band, pectoral, bauble, pendent, boutonniere, tassel, bangle, stripe, trimming, frog, war paint, epaulette, ornamentation, fallal, ornament, fob, pompon, frill, diamante, sequin, furbelow, trinket, spangle, frontal, pom-pom, decoration, beauty spot, frontlet, jewelry, trim, rosette,


fat, unbalance, thicken, increase, deflate,

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