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adorns Meaning in Telugu ( adorns తెలుగు అంటే)

అలంకరిస్తుంది, వంచన.


ఉత్సర్గ, అలంకరించేందుకు, వంచన., అందమైన,

adorns's Usage Examples:

(corbelled, modillioned, dentillated) as to what co-supports or simply adorns any high structure of a building, such as a terrace of a roof (flat area.

She gleefully adorns herself with jewelry she finds in a treasure chest.

One of the few statues depicting an unblindfolded Lady Justice adorns the facade of the Courthouse.

haraegushi, or "lightning wand", named for the zig-zag shide paper that adorns the wand.

clockmaker, - however, never leaving out some very moderate and justified rubatos, - she adorns those pieces - thanks to her subtle bowing, from time to.

The coat of arms of San Marino adorns among other things the flag of the country and the logo of the San Marino.

A monument entitled Call of the Uprising, sculpted by Vojin Bakić, adorns the front of the building.

The NDL's company emblem adorns the main entrance.

Jasmine and marigold flowers are also a huge sale for this event which adorns the women's hair.

ArtA variety of public artwork adorns the brick station.

Merewether Award for Creative Endeavour and the shield, which adorns the school's front foyer, were inaugurated in honour of Merewether.

All three are selectively used as adjectival historic past participles (corbelled, modillioned, dentillated) as to what co-supports or simply adorns any.

" It is possible that the copperplate engraving of Phillis Wheatley that adorns much of her published poetry is.


garnish, gild the lily, blazon, bedight, begild, bead, modify, filet, stick, wreathe, deck, change, engild, stucco, bedeck, scallop, embroider, jewel, gild, flag, paint the lily, smock, festoon, tart up, fret, colour, foliate, color, fringe, beautify, tinsel, pipe, garland, grace, bespangle, prank, beset, encrust, barde, applique, ornament, illustrate, illuminate, redecorate, lacquer, flight, enamel, landscape, incrust, hang, bejewel, vermiculate, alter, dress, bedizen, caparison, spangle, panel, braid, fillet, fledge, broider, bard, emblazon, inlay, trim, embellish, decorate, dress ship, dress up,


disarrange, uglify, underdress, dress down, undress,

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