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abhominable Meaning in Telugu ( abhominable తెలుగు అంటే)

అసహ్యకరమైన, విసుగుగా



abhominable తెలుగు అర్థానికి ఉదాహరణ:

అతను విసుగుగా నాకు చెప్పకపోతే మీ ఆయనకు చెప్పరాదా అన్నాడు.

abhominable's Usage Examples:

the Brownists or Separatists With the impietie, dissensions, lewd, and abhominable vices of that impure sect: Discovered by Christopher Lawne, John Fowler.

dungeon, full of dead carrion, trusting so to make an end of him, with the abhominable stinch thereof: but he bearing it out stronglie, as a man of a tough.

recorded in a "Black Book" wherein was recorded "the vile lives and abhominable factes in murders of their bretherene, in sodomyes and whordomes, in.

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