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abhorrently Meaning in Telugu ( abhorrently తెలుగు అంటే)

అసహ్యంగా, అసాధారణ.


విసుగుగా, బైబ్, అసాధారణ.,

abhorrently's Usage Examples:

isn"t even the sketchy gameplay that sinks this Battleship – it"s the abhorrently commercial objective apparent in every second of rushed gameplay" Reviews.

However, he has "most abhorrently triumphed" by revealing to Nicolai the location of the artillery park.

opposite, Trifonas Evaggelidis mentions him as wrangler and one of the "abhorrently enforcers” of Ali Pasha while a similar negative position is reflected.

Party is in power does not make it right to attempt to force such an abhorrently low standard of social appraisement of our [White] race down our throats.

” Those aboard slept on crowded floors in abhorrently crowded conditions.

selected, reviewer Finnegan Knospe described the soundtrack as most abhorrently "about drugs.

For me, the horror comes from what appears to be the most abhorrently pessimistic presentation of adolescence.

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