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woodchucks Meaning in Tamil ( woodchucks வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


woodchucks's Usage Examples:

The policy of the government which protects game, both in the park and in the surrounding national forests, has induced elk, deer, antelope, mountain-sheep, bears, porcupines, coyotes, squirrels, gophers and woodchucks to take shelter here.

The mammals include black bear, deer, lynx, porcupine, fox, squirrels, hares, rabbits, musk rats, minks, weasels, skunks and woodchucks.

Squirrels, racoons, woodchucks and skunks are common, and musk-rats, porcupines and opossums are found in some sections.

° Longitude West 89 Greenwich C E Fayette, ?accounting simplified - 23/03/2006 Forget woodchucks.

Opossums, raccoons, woodchucks, foxes, grey squirrels and fox-squirrels are common.

The first white settlers found great numbers of buffaloes, deer, elks, geese, ducks, turkeys and partridges, also many bears, panthers, lynx, wolves, foxes, beavers, otters, minks, musk-rats, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, woodchucks, opossums and A I .

There young Parkman spent his leisure hours in collecting eggs, insects and reptiles, trapping squirrels and woodchucks, and shooting birds with arrows.

Rabbits and squ'rrels are numerous in nearly all parts of the state; skunks, weasels, muskrats and woodchucks are common; there are some racoons; mink are frequently taken in the Adirondacks; and a few otter remain.

° Longitude West 89 Greenwich C E Fayette, ?Much more numerous are squirrels, rabbits, " groundhogs " (woodchucks), opossums, skunks, weasels and minks.

The most common wild animals are deer, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, woodchucks and muskrats.

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