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unseason Meaning in Tamil ( unseason வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


unseason தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

காலநிலை - உலர் பருவமற்ற காலநிலை (Cf).

உலர் பருவமற்ற காலநிலை (Df).

ஹௌலியர் 2003-04 பருவ கோப்பையற்று போனப் பிறகு விலகினார், மேலும் ஜெரார்ட் பருவமற்றக் காலத்தில் செல்சிக்கு செல்லப் போவதாக பேசப்பட்டார்.

unseason's Usage Examples:

Crafted in Britain exclusively for The Cotswold Company, hewn from huge beams of ' green ' or unseasoned timber.

While the air remained chilly, especially in the shaded patches, it was so clear and unseasonably warm Dean hardly noticed.

"His small library had received a most unseasonable addition, the account of the lamentable end of Francis Spira.

An unseasonably cool morning turned into a perfect day.

Dean began to float back to sleep, half content in the thought that the storm might wash out the steamy, unseasonable humidity.

Meat Tenderizer - Sprinkle the stain win unseasoned meat tenderizer (white) and add enough to make a paste.

An unusual number of people were enjoying the unseasonable weather, spending the last few hours out of doors; fathers playing catch with sons, youngsters riding trikes or skipping rope, and others content to just drink in the springtime evening.

Several days of unseasonable melt had boiled the river to a noisy torrent of cascading water.

For instance unseasoned larch, its rough qualities will enhance your home's character unlike any other treated or manufactured woods.

high; the distortion has evidently taken place through the use of unseasoned timber and consequent warping of the woodwork.

In the midst of his sufferings, however, his zeal and energy kept him in continual occupation; when expostulated with for such unseasonable toil, he replied, "Would you that the Lord should find me idle when He comes ?"His banter is nearly always ungainly, his wit blunt, as Johnson said, and often unseasonable.

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